FROM THE DESK OF: Laura Myrah, Superintendent
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! The students and staff are off to a fantastic start. We anticipate the entire school year will remain the same as students, staff, and families partner in working toward Arrowhead's Mission to … Empower students to be engaged, confident, continuous learners who utilize the essential skills to collaborate and contribute within the local and global community.
The very best schools are on top not because they have a great curriculum in each course, not because they have a nurturing culture and climate, and not because they have excellent facilities and equipment. Rather, they rise to the very top because they have the best people involved- People matter most. Arrowhead enjoys a tradition of excellence as a result of having THE BEST people!
This year (current to date), within our school walls each school day we have the these awesome people:
2,076 students
9th grade = 535
10th grade = 498
11th grade = 543
12th grade = 500
123 full-time faculty members (teachers & administrators)
13 part-time faculty members
49 full-time support staff members
37 part-time support staff members
With all of these daily 'internal' amazing people, plus our 100+ co-curricular advisors and coaches, plus our 3,000 parents, plus our tens of thousands of community members... No wonder Arrowhead is the best. One TeAm!
Sept. 22: Optional Parent Presentations 5:00pm (more information below)
Sept. 22: Open House 6:00-8:10pm
Sept 23: HawkFest!!! 4:00-8:00pm North Campus Lot
Oct. 14: Homecoming Parade @ 4:30
Homecoming Game @ 7:00pm
Oct. 15: Homecoming Dance 7:30-10:30pm
Oct. 20-29th: Broadway Company performance of Shrek the Musical! (Various Dates)
Oct. 27 & 28: No School
Nov. 10: Parent Teacher Conferences
Sept. 22: Curriculum Committee Meeting 6:45amSept. 27: Personnel Committee Meeting 6:45amOct. 6: Policy Committee Meeting 6:45amOct. 12: Community Conversation with the School Board, 6:30pm South Campus LibraryOct. 12: School Board Meeting 7:00pm South Campus LibraryOct. 13: Curriculum Committee Meeting 6:45amOct. 20: Buildings & Grounds Committee Meeting 6:45amOct. 25: Personnel Committee Meeting 6:45am
Important Updates
Looking forward to hosting our families this Thursday, September 22nd at 6:00pm for our 2022-23 OPEN HOUSE! Please click on the Open House link above for details which also includes a map of both buildings. WE HOPE TO SEE YOU!!
Please join our students and staff on Friday, October 14th for our Annual Homecoming Parade. If you'd like to be a part of the parade, please complete this form. If you'd like to watch the parade, here is the parade route. We will begin at 4:30 leaving Church Street and end at the South entrance of AHS. Due to the parade, please note the following route information:
There will be no parking allowed on the route starting at 2:00 pm the day of the parade
The parade route will be closed to all traffic from 4:15 until approximately 5:15
To be sure all 92 residents and businesses along the route are aware of this, staff and students will be visiting those locations in the next few weeks
We look forward to celebrating this great community event!
Please click on the link above to meet our new teaching and support staff for the upcoming school year!
We have amazing additions to our already amazing staff!
National Merit Semifinalists!
Congratulations to our seven AHS seniors who qualified as National Merit Semifinalists!!! This places these students in the top 1% of test takers across the nation and continues to be one of the highest rates of qualifiers per test for high schools in Wisconsin!
Aine Thomas
Grace Bonk
Maxwell Rebella
Timothy Groth
Jackson Brunner
Myla Brunner
Candie Lin
Arrowhead High School is proud to present the
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra
Holiday Concert!
AHS is fortunate to welcome the amazing musical talents of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Ken-David Masur, Music Director to our campus. This is a unique opportunity for our community to experience a beautiful and intimate holiday performance right on our campus.
As a special part of their holiday package, the MSO will also be offering a student performance for a portion of our students on the same day. Students in our performing arts programs, student leaders, and students recognized throughout the year will be invited to attend the special student performance.
If you or your company would be interested in sponsoring this special performance for our students, please contact Adam Kurth at or 262-369-3611 (x4102).
When: December 21st at 7:30 pm
Where: AHS North Campus Theater
How: Tickets will go on sale in October!
Girls Golf
The team is currently sitting in first place in the Classic 8 Conference and ranked as the 5th best team in the state. The girls won the Fond du Lac Invitational and the Waukesha County Championship.
Field Hockey
Off to a great start to the season, Currently on top of the conference. Hosting Brook Academy this afternoon at AHS
Girls Tennis
Girls Varsity tennis is currently 18-1. We have a strong, deep team with 4 out of the 12 players being freshman. Our JV, JV1 Red and JV2 Blue teams have had strong showings winning most of their matches. At Neenah Saturday.
Girls Swim & Dive
They won conference relays winning all 10 of the events they entered. They set 5 conference relay records. They are hungry for a great showing at state placing runner up each of the last 3 years. At Waukesha South Saturday.
Is off to a great start with a 4-0 record. They play Waukesha North tonight and celebrate Hawkfest next Friday night at home when they play Mukwonago.
Boys Soccer
The team is playing well with a 5-2-2 record. Parent night is tonight at the game against Shorewood.
Boys Volleyball
8-3 record overall, 2-0 in conference - recently falling to Marquettte, last year’s state champion, in a very close battle
Girls Volleyball
9-5 overall record, 2-1 in conference and 3rd at the Joust Invite. Sussex Hamilton tournament Saturday.
Boys Cross Country -
The team is off and running strong. The team finished 5th at the big Arrowhead Invite and looks forward to running against 50 teams at the large Janesville Invite.
Girls Cross Country -
The team returns a lot of strong runners and finished 9th at the big Arrowhead Invite. They are gearing up for a big meet at Janesville against 50 other teams.
Activities Office Contact Information
We're excited to welcome our student-athletes back for the 22-23 school year!
Activities Director: Ryan Mangan 262-369-3612 Ext 4203
AD Assistant: Liz Arsnow 8:00am-4:30pm 262-369-3612 Ext 4202
Activities Asst. Jill Bradley 7:00am-10:45am 262-369-3612 Ext 4213
Activities Asst. Tina Groff 10:45am-4:00pm 262-369-3612 Ext 4213
Fax: 262-367-1870
School Year Hours: 7:00am-4:30pm
Click HERE for information on all of our Clubs and HERE for our Fine Arts Programs!
Parent Support & Info
Students who are absent due to COVID will be marked as excused due to illness as long as they are within the allotted 10 days of absence per State law. The absence can be exempted (not count towards those 10) with a copy of an official positive COVID test result (home tests will not be accepted for the exemption) or proof of a doctor visit. Once a student is at or over the 10 allotted days, all absences are unexcused except for medical reasons when accompanied with medical documentation. Per CDC, we are recommending that students remain home for 5 days from the onset of symptoms.
Please note that sports, clubs, or activities outside of school cannot be exempted by the school and will count against the State allotted 10 days of absence. Once those days are met, students can only be excused for a medical reason with medical documentation. These absences will be either excused (when under 10 days) or unexcused (when over 10 days) as this is not an absence for medical reasons. Student missing for this reason beyond the 10 days, must complete all work within the same timeline as the other students, no extension of the due date will be given including a test or quiz. An exemption for these types of events can only be made when the event is one that is considered rare and significantly above the activity of the student's peers per administrative approval.
National Honor Society
Do you have an organization/business event that you would like Arrowhead National Honor Society members to volunteer at?
Please fill out this form to request volunteers.
How to Become a Canvas Observer
Participate in your child’s education by becoming a Canvas observer. Canvas is Arrowhead’s course management system and parents are invited to follow along in their student’s learning. Here are the steps to sign up for an account:
Click on the words "Need a Canvas Account? Click Here, It's Free!"
Click on the words "Parents sign up here."
Complete the parent sign up form. You will need a PAIRING CODE from your students.
At Open House, 1st through 4th period teachers will also have pairing codes available if needed. As observers, parents are linked to a student or multiple students and are able to view data from observed student(s) including grades, assignments, and events. Here is an OBSERVER PERMISSION GUIDE which covers what an observer can see in more detail.
Although assignments can be graded within Canvas, this does not often represent the full picture of the student’s progress. Skyward should be regarded as the most accurate grading system for Arrowhead students.
Additional information on becoming a Canvas Observer can be found here. If you have any other questions regarding Canvas or need additional help signing up to be an observer, please reach out to Donna Smith (
Dress Code Support
Parents! It is time for our annual plea for assistance!
We are definitely aware of what is currently trendy and available in stores for students in terms of clothing. We do our best to be flexible and accepting of modern culture. Within that, we do have expectations and guidelines to support a comfortable learning atmosphere for all.
We ask families to help us in ensuring your student comes to school each day dressed appropriately. Below is our handbook language for your reference. We appreciate your support in this effort.
Dress and grooming which disrupts the educational process or which causes health or safety problems is prohibited. Students may not go barefoot at any time. Coats, hats, hair coverings, and other outer garments shall be stored in school lockers. Items of clothing of a suggestive nature are not allowed. This includes bandannas, bare midriffs, cleavage, and extremely short skirts and shorts. Undergarments should not be visible. Items of clothing with inappropriate language, including alcohol and drug related phrases, logos, or pictures are prohibited.
Looking for help with Math? Arrowhead High School Math Department offers SASS tutoring - Students Assisting Student Success. SASS Tutoring takes place in the library on Tuesdays and Thursdays during most study hall periods in both North and South campus libraries. Students can sign out of study hall to receive help from the tutors as needed. Encourage your child to check the tutoring schedule to see when math teachers are also available in the library.
Wisconsin Education Fair
We are proud to host this year's Wisconsin Education Fair! We hope Arrowhead Families take full advantage of the opportunity to meet with representatives from over 80 of our students' post-secondary options.

Warhawk Manufacturing Fall/Winter Sales
Check out Warhawk Manufacturing Fall/Winter Sales at
New products are posted daily! Warhawk Manufacturing is a student-run business organized to teach students the real-life skills it takes to organize and manage a business for profit. Students are challenged to design, engineer, fabricate, mass-produce, finish, package, and deliver products that are purchased on their online store as well as from local companies. All proceeds go towards manufacturing scholarships for the Warhawk Manufacturing students! Thank you for your support!
Its a NO COOK THURSDAY opportunity provided by our amazing Arrowhead Scholarship Fund. Please help support our students' post-secondary plans by eating at Noodles!
Eat well and do good - ASF Noodles & Co. Fundraiser October 6th!
Join Arrowhead Scholarship Fund and Noodles & Co. for our fundraiser and Noodles will contribute 25% of sales to ASF scholarships!
Thursday, October 6, 2022
4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Only at: Noodles & Co.- Delafield
3260 Golf Road, Delafield
Order online and enter coupon code GIVING25 before you start the checkout process or mention Arrowhead Scholarship Fund when ordering in person so your order supports ASF. We appreciate your support!
Please share this info with your family and friends. Together we can help a great cause!

Arrowhead High School is looking to launch and develop the first ever, AHS Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). The very traditional and long-standing national structure works to create a community connection to the school, support and recognize staff, and foster resources to create the best student experiences possible.
If you are interested in joining the AHS PTO, please fill out the Google form linked here with your information. An email will go out to all parents who are show an interest in being a part of the PTO in NEXT WEEK!
The first meeting will be used to develop a mission and purpose, discuss structures and bylaws, and to establish a governing board.
AHS Programs Financial Support
School funding is always a challenging world to navigate. Each year, schools see a set of opportunities with costs associated with them that are unable to be funded by the current state funding and the AHS budget. We often have families with the means to support such opportunities who have expressed that there isn't an avenue to be made aware or to donate directly to a need. Each newsletter, we will list opportunities for our community to consider supporting. There is never an expectation, only an appreciation for considering.
Current Considerations
Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra - We are fortunate to host the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Ken-David Masur, Music Director performing for our school and community. This is an incredibly rare opportunity for our performing arts and other students to have this experience. We continue to seek sponsors for the student performance to mitigate the cost of hosting. Please see the linked information and contact Adam Kurth at if interested
The Warhawk Rise Program - A new program we are developing at AHS that will recognize any student who has improved their grade point average by .75 or better from one semester to the next. (EX: from a 2.5 Fall semester to a 3.25 Spring semester) This is a significant achievement by students who put in great efforts toward success that may not always receive the recognition they deserve. The annual cost of this program runs about $3,000-$4,000 and includes a semi-formal celebration brunch with their families invited and and gift bags recognizing their efforts. Please contact Principal Adam Kurth at or North Counselor, Kelly Matthias at to support.
Arrowhead Scholarship Fund - This amazing program provides an incredible amount of scholarships each year thanks to the generosity of our community. Families and companies have the ability to provide direction as to how their scholarship would be decided and awarded. Please see the ASF Donor Webpage for more information!
Substitute Teachers Needed for the 2022-23 School Year!
Do you want to get positively involved with the school and get paid to do it?
Are you a self starter? Do you love learning and working with young people?
Substitute teaching may be perfect for you!
Arrowhead Union High School District is seeking applicants for daily substitute teachers for the 2022-2023 School Year. Applicants must be certified teachers with a valid DPI license or hold a valid substitute license through the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. If an applicant does not have a sub license, but has a bachelor's degree and is willing to complete an online program, the individual may be able to obtain a sub license for the assignment.
Click here to Visit the AHS application tool, WECAN (Wisconsin Education Career Acess Network) or call Candy Lesch at 262-369-3611 x4183
New Mental Health Crisis - Dialing Code Launched July 16
The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (Lifeline) launched nationwide on July 16. Similar to dialing 911 for medical emergencies, people in emotional distress or suicidal crisis can call or text 988 and be connected immediately to trained counselors who will listen, provide support and connect them to resources if necessary.
The three-digit dialing code is new, but the Lifeline is not. Previously known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, callers only reached the 24/7 national crisis hotline by dialing 1-800-273-8255 (TALK). The easy-to-remember dialing code (988) is meant to replace that number; however, callers will still be connected to the same services, regardless of which number is used. The Lifeline provides services in both English and Spanish.
The Lifeline
Since 2005, the Lifeline has been a network of roughly 200 crisis centers funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Since its founding, the Lifeline has received more than 20 million calls from people in distress looking for help when they needed it most. Nearly 2.4 million calls occurred in 2020 alone, illustrating America’s current mental health crisis.
Spreading the Word About 988
Suicide is the second leading cause of death among preteens and adults aged 25 to 34, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Lifeline is a direct connection to compassionate, accessible care for anyone experiencing mental health-related distress, including thoughts of suicide, mental health or substance use crisis, or other emotional struggles. People can also call the Lifeline if they are worried about a loved one who may need emergency support. Just as Americans know to call 911 in a medical emergency, it’s vital to spread the word about 988 in your own state. This new three-digit dialing code could provide immediate support during someone’s darkest hour.
Thank you for making it all the way to the end of our newsletter novel!
LAURA MYRAH- myrah@arrowheadschools.orgSUE CASETTA- casetta@arrowheadschools.orgADAM BOLDT- boldt@arrowheadschools.orgDONNA SMITH- smith@arrowheadschools.orgADAM KURTH- kurth@arrowheadschools.orgRYAN MANGAN- mangan@arrowheadschools.orgDEB PARADOWSKI- paradowski@arrowheadschools.orgBECKY GORDON- gordon@arrowheadschools.orgStaff Contact Website