FROM THE DESK OF: Conrad D. Farner, Superintendent
The November 5, 2024 election is an exciting opportunity for "we the people" to continue to exercise our amazing right and obligation to choose our legislative and executive branch officials. Locally, the Arrowhead Learning Community has the opportunity to decide if the time has come for Arrowhead High School to move into the current century with a new, single school building. Our two current buildings were built in 1955 and 1969 and the world has changed dramatically over the past 55-70 years.
The School Board is doing its due diligence in presenting this opportunity to the taxpayers. Community survey results from last spring informed the Board's decision to put an entirely new school on the ballot. The community clearly indicated it does not support investing tens of millions of dollars into our two old buildings. The community survey results also showed strong support for moving our students and staff under one roof. Given that the cost to construct a new school will only increase, the Board considered the fact that there will never be a more affordable time to build a new school, making now the time to realize the best return on the taxpayers' investment.
As one of the lowest funded, lowest spending and lowest taxing districts in the state, the Arrowhead Board and Administration are as fiscally responsible as any district management team. The tax rate for the Arrowhead district has dropped by more than half from $3.66 in 2012-13 to $1.81 in 2023-24. Arrowhead (including the feeder schools) is by far the lowest taxing district in Waukesha County.
With districts all around Arrowhead making significant investments in their schools and facilities, it is time for the community to determine the identity of Arrowhead High School. Additional information about the referendum is available at our district website:
Thank you to everyone who came to one of our community information sessions, hosted a presentation, emailed a question or called to get more information. It has been a pleasure exchanging information and points of view. The Arrowhead Learning Community cares about its students and the District's facilities. It is an honor to work for the Arrowhead Union High School District. Please VOTE on November 5!
November 5: ELECTION DAY!November 8: Veterans Day Breakfast (see activities below for details) November 11: Veterans DayNovember 11-15: Student Senate Food Drive (see activities below for details) November 20 - December 6: Student Senate Giving Tree (see activities below for details) November 25: Teacher In-Service. No school for studentsNovember 26-29: No School - Happy Thanksgiving!December 6: Student Senate Blood Drive (see activities below for details)
November 12: Policy Committee Meeting, 6:45 AM District Board RoomNovember 13: School Board Meeting, 6:30 PM District Board Room
Hello, Arrowhead Community!
During the summer of 2023, a decision was made to undertake a full facilities assessment of the buildings and grounds of Arrowhead High School, with the intention of utilizing this data for the development of a Long Range Facilities Plan for our school. This decision launched a monumental level of activity by many, and yielded the referendum questions posed on the November ballot. It is nearly impossible to summarize the countless hours of study, compilation of information, data analysis, and dialogue between stakeholders. The process has been a heavy lift by all involved; it has also been a meaningful and respectful process that leaves one honored to have been involved in it. Importantly, it is a process that ultimately allows our community to determine the future direction of Arrowhead.
I stand in appreciation for those involved in this analysis and decision-making, and wish to acknowledge their significant contributions:
Superintendent Farner, Principal Kurth and Director of Business Services, Jeff Gross: On top of daily operations of AHS, these individuals spent countless hours providing accurate information to community members. They engaged in many presentations and tours of the school on their evenings and weekends - all in an effort to have a well-informed public.
The Arrowhead School Board: These individuals processed hundreds of data points, thoughtfully deliberated options, and made difficult decisions on the challenges facing AHS.
Members of Eppstein Uhen Architects and VJS Construction: These individuals provided the hundreds of data points considered by the Board and consistently made themselves available during this rigorous process.
Members of the AHS Administration: In addition to day-to-day school responsibilities, these people supported the many evening events and referendum communications.
Faculty, staff and members of the public who attended our forums: The input from these individuals was instrumental in providing information and perspective necessary in the development of the referendums.
Please vote on November 5, and play a part in determining the future of our school!
Kim Schubert
School Board President
The Why
Student safety and learning are the main focus of the referendum.
Two buildings, 70 and 55 years old, are deteriorating, failing, and need significant repairs and updates - an estimated 143 million over the next 25 years. Those dollars simply maintain and offer no enhancements for safety and learning.
The two-building system at Arrowhead creates unsafe structures for students who must walk between buildings each day; there are numerous unsupervised entrances and unmonitored travel between buildings.
The two-building system is inefficient with significant dollars spent on duplicated expenses each year.
The two-building system creates significant challenges for learning and access to learning opportunities.
School districts have been provided vastly different funding levels since 1992. Arrowhead has always been on the low end of the funds provided by the state.
State funding HAS NOT KEPT UP WITH INFLATION since 2008-09. This means Arrowhead is receiving approximately $6.5 million dollars less than what we would have been funded had the state maintained inflationary increases.
Our state legislators have stated that if we need more funding, we must ask our taxpayers by going to referendum.
Annual state funding is not sufficient to support large capital improvements.
Arrowhead is one of the lowest funded, lowest taxing, lowest spending, most cost-effective, and highest achieving districts in the state.
This referendum can create a facility that will provide the safest environment, modernize our learning spaces, create efficiencies and cost savings, and support Arrowhead High School's efforts toward providing the best possible opportunities for our students.
Strong Schools, Strong Communities
Our community is being asked to consider two referendum questions on November 5th.
Referendum Questions
1) The $1.9 million operating question has an annual tax impact of $2 per $100,000 of equalized property value.
2) Authorizing general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $261.2 million to construct a new, single building for Arrowhead High School. The tax impact is $191 per 100,000 of equalized property value.
The new facility would:
significantly enhance safety and security;
eliminate costly, inefficient, duplicate spaces;
include a new 8-lane competition pool for students, athletes and the community;
feature a 1,000-seat auditorium for student classes, performances and community use;
create flexible and modern indoor spaces for academic, co-curricular, and community programs;
include new labs with advanced technology and collaboration spaces;
be built so learning will continue in the current buildings until the new school is ready!
For more information and to view the most current presentation materials
click on this Referendum Link
This referendum would support Arrowhead's goal of being
the top school for
leading Academics, championship Athletics,
incredible Arts, and impactful Activities.
It’s important for students to check their Flex app each morning to ensure they’re in the right Resource location. If students are requested to attend a classroom by a teacher and they don't attend, they are marked absent. In addition, students should be signing up for a classroom if a teacher hasn't assigned them. If they don't sign up for a room they are considered "not registered" and will be marked absent if they don't get marked present by a teacher or a study hall supervisor. These absences will count towards attendance / truancy and continued absences from Resource can lead to conduct unbecoming of an athlete if as student is in a sport or club. Please remind them to double-check the app for an assigned location and if not assigned, they need to sign up for a location.
**Please Note: Resource Period and Homeroom are not the same - Homeroom is assigned for the year; Resource can change based on what a student signs up for and if a teacher assigns a student to their Resource Period **
Required Homeroom Schedule
The following dates are REQUIRED HOMEROOMS for ALL students. This includes students with late arrival FSO (flexible scheduling option). Please mark your calendars and remind your student(s) of these dates. Student not present for required Homeroom will be marked absent. These are dates set aside with important information and/or activities for all students.
October 9 & 23
November 6 & 13
December 11 & 18
January 29
February 5, 19 & 26
March 5 & 11
April 2, 8 & 16
May 21
2024-25 NHS Tutoring
Each semester, National Honor Society members will be offering tutoring during resource period and after school. Tutoring during resource periods will be offered on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the North Campus library. SEE THE TUTORS AND SCHEDULE LINKED HERE
Student who want to see a tutor during Resource period must schedule themselves for the NC Library Resource in FLEX. Tutoring will take place in the independent study section of the library near the computers (marked with purple labels).
Tutoring after school will take place in the same location, unless the space is being used by a different group. If this is the case, tutors can move to a different section of the library.
AHS On Point Annual Newsletter
This should have hit your mailboxes last month, but for those of you who missed it, please see the linked 2024 ON POINT
The On Point serves as the annual AHS newsletter with information on our academic outcomes, student celebrations, the annual budget, and detailed information about the upcoming referendum.
Emergency WEATHER Information
It is that time of the year when school cancellation procedures need to be reviewed. When school is canceled it means all school-related activities (athletics, co-curricular clubs, performances, etc.) are canceled for that day and evening, unless different information is communicated directly from an Arrowhead staff member or coach. There are times when things may clear up enough that later afternoon/evening events may still take place.
Every effort is made to communicate a cancellation as far in advance as possible. Typically, the automated “Skylert” message will occur between 4:30-5:30 AM. Families are notified of school cancellations through the communication channels listed below:
automated Skylert phone notification;
District website:;
local television stations: TMJ4, WISN 12, CBS 58 and Fox 6.
The phone number and email address you supplied during the online registration process are what is pulled by the Skyward/Skylert notification system for school cancellations and emergencies. Parents should update any phone number/address changes by clicking on "account" in the upper right corner when working in Skyward Family Access.
The decision to cancel school involves gathering information from various national and local weather services, neighboring school districts, and local resources (Dousman Transportation, Dept. of Transportation, law enforcement, etc.). The condition of local streets, school district facilities and grounds, busing services, and projected timing of the inclement weather are all considered before a decision is made.
The decision to cancel school is always made to ensure the health and safety of our students, parents, and staff. If school is NOT canceled, parents may determine the weather conditions are too risky. Please remember to contact the office to report the absence, so it can be recorded as excused.
Students of the Month is a monthly recognition highlighting outstanding students who have captured the gratitude and appreciation of both teachers and administrators. Our goal is to celebrate the exceptional qualities and achievements of students who display dedication, leadership, academic excellence, and high-quality character within our school. Congratulations to these incredible students who represent the true quality of our AHS student body!
NO REST. After an AHS Football win, these great students woke up to help keep the streets of Hartland clean. Great work by our AHS student-athletes!
AHS for Asheville
On September 28th, Hurricane Helene struck western North Carolina, causing devastation in the community of Asheville. The town recently restored running tap water, but it is still undrinkable. In response to this, community member Lin Sattell, and a group of students from NHS have started “AHS for Asheville”, a fundraising campaign for Hurricane Helene relief efforts. They are collecting both monetary and physical donations for TC Roberson High School and the Buncombe County School District. This school was impacted by the hurricane, and served until recently as shelter for local residents.
The initiative began with a Miracle Minute during a football game on October 11, 2024, resulting in the collection of almost $2000. Recently, they held another fundraiser at Broadway Company’s show, Cinderella. Overall, with the help of the community, the group has already made over $7,250!
Additionally, they are planning to hold multiple other fundraisers, including a brat fry at Piggly Wiggly, collection drives, and more. The group is planning on going down to Asheville to personally deliver the items and volunteer in local relief efforts.
Thank you to everybody who has already contributed! Please stay tuned for future updates regarding donation opportunities on NHS’s Instagram page: @arrowheadNHS.
Link to monetary donations:
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email:
Arrowhead Scholarship Fund (ASF) and Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Please checkout our PTO website: and Facebook page for continued updates and ways to get involved!
AGENDAS & Past Meeting MINUTES are Linked here:
Start Christmas Shopping Early!
Shop the AHS PTO sponsored Spirit wear shop here:
The shop will close at midnight on 11/5/2024 and items will be ready by Christmas!
Arrowhead Scholarship Fund
If you would like to consider donating, providing a scholarship, or serving as a member of the ASF, click on the LINK

SENIOR Pictures for Yearbook
Please click here to read through all of the information about senior picture submissions and for the link to upload your photos. The deadline for senior pictures is on Friday, November 15. Do not wait to schedule your senior photo sessions, get them scheduled now.
Expectation Reminders
With the start of the school year, we wanted to share a few expectations that we feel are important to review before school begins. The slides linked below will also be shared with all students on the first day of school in their Resource Period. If you have any questions, please contact your student's Associate Principal: Becky Gordon at North Campus: or Sarah Vogel at South Campus:
Cell Phones
Dress Code
Drug / Alcohol Use
Thanks to...almost all...of our parents who are following the described traffic routes! With more cars arriving and departing, the cooperation of our parents has significantly decreased historical wait and traffic times on both sides of the school day. We hope this effort can continue during the winter months to keep our students safe and our traffic minimized!
Direct Admit Wisconsin
Direct Admit Wisconsin offers are posted to Skyward Student Access and you can now log in to view Direct Admit Wisconsin offers. Look for the “Portfolio” tab on the left side menu to view your letter from the Universities of Wisconsin.
You may have questions about direct admission or you might be ready to select your UWs. For more information or to get help with next steps, visit the UW HELP website to access Live Chat, email the UW HELP Team at, or give them a call at 800-442-6459. The UW HELP Team will also be hosting webinars to help you understand and complete the Direct Admit Form and Universities of Wisconsin Online Application.
You can also reach out to individual UW universities to connect with them for information, schedule a visit, learn about academic programs, and more. You can also speak with your school counselor if you need assistance.
Girls Golf - The young and talented team ended their season with a 4th place finish at state after winning the WIAA Regional and Sectional rounds! During the season they set a new school record by shooting a 288 (11 strokes better than the previous girls golf low score) at the Waukesha County Championship! Alexa Reed, Allison Guiser, Landry Nelson, and Ashley Gilroy all set their personal record during that game. This is a very talented group that will be fun to watch in the future!
Girls Tennis - The team had another very impressive season! The team finished as WIAA State runner up, falling to Brookfield East 3-4 in the championship round. At the individual state championships, the doubles team of Sarah Neubert and Izzy Heidenberger won their bracket to take home the gold! This is another team that will be fun to follow!
Football - Their overall record is 8-2 and they finished in a tie for first place in our Classic 8 Conference. The team is looking forward to their next playoff game at Mukwonago Friday, November 8th after an exciting victory against Verona in the second round of the playoffs, winning that game 22-21.
Boys Soccer - They ended the season this past Saturday with a record of 20-2 and they were undefeated (8-0) in conference play and recently WIAA Regional Champs. Their only loss this season was to Madison East in their first game of their season. They were the number 2 seed in their WIAA sectional bracket and after beating Sheboygan North 2-0. They lost a tough battle to the #1 seed, Brookfield East, in the WIAA Sectional Final game on Saturday in a double overtime shootout.
Girls Swim & Dive - They won the Classic 8 Conference relays and Conference meet. They were third at the Blackshirt Invitational. The team is practicing hard and looking forward to their WIAA Sectional Meet on Saturday, November 9th.
Field Hockey - The team is State Champions!! They worked hard, played well and rallied in every game to have an undefeated season!
Congratulations to all of the players being crowned state champions in the Wisconsin Field Hockey Association's State Tournament.
Boys Volleyball - BVB ended their season 28-12 and they went 6-1 in conference, tying with CMH to share the Classic 8 Conference title. Their hard work payed off as they came together as a team heading into the WIAA playoff season. They won their first round over Hartford in 3 games and their second round over Waukesha West in 4 games. They played Sussex Hamilton this past weekend and lost a tough battle that denied them their fourth straight trip to the State tournament.
Girls Volleyball - GVG ended their season 35-8 and they went 7-1 in conference, tying with CMH to share the Classic 8 Conference title. The team was WIAA Regional Champs last weekend with a win over Waukesha West in 3. They beat Brookfield East on Thursday in their WIAA Sectional game and lost a tough Sussex Hamilton team on Saturday ending their season one game short of reaching State.
Boys Cross Country - The team unleashed numerous personal bests throughout the season and competed hard all season against very talented teams. The boys were conference runner ups and placed 5th at the very talented WIAA Sectional Meet. The team is young and is looking forward to the track season and building on this season.
Girls Cross Country - The team is loaded with seniors and has some great freshmen talent breaking ground. They ended the season as conference runner ups and finished 6th at their very tough WIAA Sectional Meet. They are looking forward to the track season and to continue off-season training, strengthening their friendships and making memories!
Activities Office Contact Information
We're excited to welcome our student-athletes back for the 23-24 school year!
Activities Director: Ryan Mangan 262-369-3612 Ext 4203
AD Assistant: Patrick Cottrell 8:00am-4:30pm 262-369-3612 Ext 4202
Activities Asst: Jill Bradley 7:00am-10:45am 262-369-3612 Ext 4213
Activities Asst: Tina Groff 10:45am-4:00pm 262-369-3612 Ext 4213
Fax: 262-367-1870
School Year Hours: 7:00am-4:30pm
Click HERE for information on all of our Clubs and HERE for our Fine Arts Programs!
Student Senate & AHS are continuing with our partnership with the Christmas Clearing Council (CCC) of Waukesha County to sponsor four area families in need to help make their Christmases a bit brighter this year! We will also be collecting additional gift cards for CCC to distribute to other families who need them.
Helping is easy! Simply ask your student to bring home a tag off of the Giving Tree at either campus, buy the item and return it with a gift receipt and UNWRAPPED to the tree. You can also contact Tamara Lindmair ( directly to coordinate your donation.
Giving Trees will be up and ready by November 20th and gifts are due back no later than December 6th.
Our winter Blood Drive in coordination with Versiti Blood Centers will be December 6th from 8 am - 1 pm in the NC West Gym. We welcome all community members to join us in our effort to save lives and replenish our area blood banks this holiday season! The link to schedule an appointment is LINKED HERE.
Securly Internet Filter
Securly Internet Filter: Weekly Email and Parent Portal
Arrowhead implements Securly Filter, a filter and security service to keep our students safe and focused on their school work. Parents and guardians will receive a weekly email after school begins from that will show you a snapshot of your child’s online activity while on our network.
If you do not receive an email, your student does not have information to report at this time. If you do not receive an email by mid-September, please contact Securly directly at
To receive your student’s full online activity history, you can create an account in the free Parent Portal. The Parent Portal will contain an Activity Tab, a Flagged Tab, and an Accounts Tab. The parent portal you create will provide you additional information on your student’s online activity.
If you do not wish to receive that weekly email from Securly, simply click on the unsubscribe button in the bottom left corner of the email.
For more information on the Securly Portal, please see the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS on our website.
Updated Immunization Requirements
To better align with the national vaccine recommendations, the state of Wisconsin has recently updated the immunization requirements for school entry. These changes are effective for the 2024-2025 school year and will impact all students entering 12th grade. Please follow this link to see the Immunization Changes.
Please note that all students entering 12th grade will need the Meningococcal vaccination. Due to the timing of these changes, current students will only need 1 dose of the Meningococcal vaccination prior to the first day of the school year. As most pediatricians have been made aware of this upcoming change and follow the state's immunization schedule, your student may have already received this vaccination. Please check with your physician to see if your student has been immunized.
As a reminder, Wisconsin law requires parents/guardians to provide updated records on their student's immunizations. To update us on your student's immunization or waiver status, please fill out the Wisconsin Immunization Record Form. To meet compliance requirements a student needs to have received the vaccination OR a family can sign a waiver to exempt their student from this requirement. Both options are included on the Immunization Record form. Please complete either steps 2 and 5 of this form for vaccination status OR complete the waiver section in Step 4. Your signature in step 5 is required for both options. Students must be in compliance with the required immunizations on the first day of school.
Please direct any questions on the new immunization schedule to your student's physician or the Waukesha County Public Health Department.
Wisconsin State ACT 95
The state of Wisconsin recently passed ACT 95 which impacts Arrowhead High School in two different ways.
1) The ACT requires all public high schools to rank students by their GPA during their junior and senior years.
2) Students placing in the top 5% of their class receive guaranteed admission to UW Madison.
Students placing in the top 10% of their class receive guaranteed admission to all other schools in the UW system.
The stated intent from state lawmakers is an effort to keep students in Wisconsin and grow our own workforce.
Arrowhead has traditionally not ranked students but began, per state requirement, to rank students at the end of last year.
To learn more about our facilities, please visit the
Facilities Planning page on the District website:
Questions can be sent to:
We are excited to announce two new communication features we want to share with our AHS families:
Emergency Text Messaging System
To receive our emergency text messages, please use your phone to opt in and text "yes" to the number 67587.
If you have another child in one of our feeder districts, you may receive a message that you are already enrolled.
If you do not opt in, we will do our best to use email and social media for communications as soon as possible.
Changes to Attendance/Absence Procedures for Parents
In an effort to create an easier and more efficient process for families to enter absences, AHS will be transitioning to using the Parent Access to Skyward for submitting student attendance. We still accept phone messages but it is our hope that the Skyward App becomes the main method of absence notification.
Skyward App Absence Reporting
Log in
Select Main Menu
Select Attendance
Select Add Absence Request
The following will automatically be entered
Student Name
Current Date
The date can be changed to enter a future absence
If absence is not all day, click green switch to enter time period of absence
It is critical that you enter the time in and out, if not all day, so we have an accurate picture of the time your student will be gone (for example, part of a class period or only part of a day).
Select Reason (drop down box)
If you select “other” please enter comments on the reason
Comments (optional unless you selected “other” for the absence reason)
If you want siblings to be absent on the same time and day, click the green yes by that child’s name
Absence Requests from Guardians within Skyward Mobile App VIDEO
Arrowhead High School
Non-Arrowhead High School Sponsored Event or Activity Absence Exception Request
Linked here you will find the application forms to be completed by you and your child relating to a request to exempt absences when participating in non-Arrowhead High School sponsored events or activities. Due to the fact that many of these events/activities take place outside of Hartland as well as outside of Wisconsin, we have found that students who participate in these tend to miss a larger number of days than students who are participating in an event/activity sponsored by AHS. Please note that the school only has the authority to excuse these absences should it be identified as a gifted or talented opportunity. However, this information does help as our administration works through absences with our families.
Parents may excuse their students who miss school for a non-Arrowhead Sponsored Event as long as they are within the 10 days of absence allotted by the State of Wisconsin. Once the 10 days are met, students are marked as unexcused. An exemption in the missed day(s) can be granted if the student qualifies based on the application form linked above and team decision. An exemption means the absence does not count towards those 10 days.
Please click on the link above and review the information provided.
Something we missed?
Please email and let us know! We want this newsletter to have all of the information our families need.
AHS Programs Financial Support
School funding is always a challenging world to navigate. Each year, schools see a set of opportunities with costs associated with them that are unable to be funded by the current state funding and the AHS budget. We often have families with the means to support such opportunities who have expressed that there isn't an avenue to be made aware or to donate directly to a need. Each newsletter, we will list opportunities for our community to consider supporting. There is never an expectation, only an appreciation for considering.
Current Considerations
The Warhawk Rise Program - We are still looking for a committed benefactor who would like to support this great event! A new program we are developing at AHS that will recognize any student who has improved their grade point average by 1.0 or better from one semester to the next. (EX: from a 2.5 Fall semester to a 3.5 Spring semester) This is a significant achievement by students who put in great efforts toward success that may not always receive the recognition they deserve. The annual cost of this program runs about $4,000 each year and includes a semi-formal celebration brunch with their families invited and and gift bags recognizing their efforts. Please contact Principal Adam Kurth at or North Counselor, Kelly Matthias at to support.
Arrowhead Scholarship Fund - This amazing program provides an incredible amount of scholarships each year thanks to the generosity of our community. Families and companies have the ability to provide direction as to how their scholarship would be decided and awarded. Please see the ASF Donor Webpage for more information!
AHS Tennis Courts Fundraiser Please consider supporting our tennis efforts to update and upgrade our AHS tennis courts!
AHS Pool Fundraiser - (Coming Soon!)
Kim Schubert
Chris Farris
Amy Hemmer
Lindsey Wood
Tim Langer
Darrell Beneker
Anne Angeli
Brandon Miller
Chris Adsit
CONRAD FARNER-farner@arrowheadschools.orgSUE CASETTA- casetta@arrowheadschools.orgADAM BOLDT- boldt@arrowheadschools.orgDONNA SMITH- smith@arrowheadschools.orgADAM KURTH- kurth@arrowheadschools.orgRYAN MANGAN- mangan@arrowheadschools.orgSARAH VOGEL: vogel@arrowheadschools.orgBECKY GORDON- gordon@arrowheadschools.orgStaff Contact Website