June 25-26 The dome paddle heats things up! (or what comes around, goes around like flat tires)

Post date: Jun 27, 2021 7:23:8 PM

Daniel, Miles, Oliver, and Tyree braved the heat and upgraded the dome paddle software! The new rain catchment tank had caught *a lot* of water (guess the gutters work!) so we scrubbed it and pumped out the algea-rich water (found a good pump up there). Deck looks great! Many good things happened, except for getting a flat on the way up, and on the way down.


Ants! They are looking for water and food. Please keep everything super clean.

We encountered known issues with Evora, but once we got the save directory set, we didn't have any issues (we also didn't try anything funny: only single images).

Need: boxes of tissues (and black tea still). Due to multi-day power outage, threw away the ketchup and big block of cheese.

Water: 24"-21". Lots of blue jugs up there (only one returned with us) and multiple brand new drinking waters in the fridge.