AUEG MRO Trip 09/06/16-09/09/16

Post date: Sep 09, 2016 10:33:53 PM

Hardware: To be filled in...

Software: The biggest change is a complete reinstall of Loki.  This was necessary as the old Ubuntu install had a bad partitioning setup yielding updates improbable.  In a sense there is no remnant left of what was Gweezle, and is now completely Loki.  With the new Ubuntu install everything is identical and up to speed except for  We need to set Loki to auto-mount the logs, written by GTCC, on boot so that may work correctly.  Further testing of is needed to make sure everything is a go. 

Significant progress was made with the new TCC and its GUI.  In short, we are almost to the same level of functionality that the current setup of Loki and the GTCC facilitate.

Water: Measured ~14" when we got there TBA on what it was when we left.  Next group, depending on if we filled the tank from Mt. Wallerstein, will need to refill.  

Groceries: There are 3 in total jugs up there; two should be full and one is half filled and being used for the sink.  There are two blue jugs in Chris L.'s office.  Still plenty of drinking water in the fridge.

Could use more paper towels, plates, and bowls.  As well as more toilet paper.

Key: The MRO key is in Chris L.'s center desk drawer.