EvCC 25/26/27 July 2016

Post date: Jul 27, 2016 9:8:30 PM

Water: Monday - 9.5 on arrival.

            Tuesday - Down to 2. Refilled to 27.

            Wednesday - 22 on departure.

Issues: Roof leaks have been patched.

            Unable to solder plumbing break, but hot water system turned off so no leaking.


- Measured the outside tank today: 58", or 6650 gallons. Last Tuesday we were between 5822 and 6099 gallons. Chris says the Thursday before we were at 4400 gallons. So +2200 gallons in two weeks!

- Filter wheel disconnected 5 times. Stabilized after the first hour of observing and behaved the rest of the night.

- In the morning, the lights in the dome didn't work correctly, and the dome wouldn't open either. Checked the breaker panel and found that #6, "Telescope and step lights", and #7 "Telescope room

receptacles" where tripped. Reset them, everything works normally. Maybe tripped them when closing the dome last night?



- No filter wheel disconnects! All the changes made to the filter wheel worked great!

- Had some issues getting imexam to report the fwhm of stars when focusing. The previous night we were opening images in ds9's frame 5 (which was the default) and we had no issues. Tuesday night though the default frame number had mysteriously changed to 10, and focusing the telescope was impossible until we changed it back to 5. Weird.

Groceries: We need water (blue jugs) and some gallons from the grocery store. Always seem to be short on potable water.

                  Could also use Tylenol and cold meds - just in case.

                  There is a gallon of unopened milk in the fridge. Best by 07/27. Next group might need to toss it.