June 25th -- final installment!

Post date: Jun 26, 2015 1:7:20 AM

The filter wheel is fixed! Thanks to Joe for knowing how to seat the wheel back in its bearing. Again, the problem was caused by using the wrong bolts to secure the camera plate to the filter wheel. We all have to take care to reassemble with the same hardware that held things together in the first place.

Water: 27" when we left, so we used 2". The upstairs sink was great! I washed my hands lots. =) 

Remaining issues:

- Next group to observe will need to tape up camera/filter wheel/shutter assembly and check for light leaks.

- There's brown liquid running out from the outside wall of the coude room and an interior hatch in the dome--probably from small animals living in our walls. Not sure what we want to do about the animals yet, but I wonder all the stuff up against the bottom of the outside wall of the coude room helped them get access to that area Maybe we should start by moving that stuff to a place where it doesn't give anyone a leg up into our walls.


The observatory has massive amounts of paper towels, paper napkins, and plastic garbage bags. There is also sufficient tp and water (all but one jug is full). I don't think we'll need to bring *any* water up for awhile. The pantry is pretty basic, but there is good coffee! I left a few things in the fridge, but I'll be back Monday to finish them up.