
expose.pgm (takes multiple exposures with Spyder)

rem an Andor Basic program to automate taking repeated exposures rem Oliver Fraser rem September 2005   rem function to print out the help function ~PrintHelp() print : print("Command Reference") print("  take exposure(s) [0-9999]") print("  directory -- change the working directory (a subdirectory of the 'My Documents' folder)") print("  root -- change the rootname") print("  number -- change the sequence number") print("  exposure -- change the exposure time") print("  show -- show the exposure time (among other things)") print("  help -- print this!") print("  Quit (hitting 'cancel' doesn't do a damn thing!)") print("Remember that you need only type the first letter.") print return   rem The function that actually takes a bunch of exposures rem Give it full path and a filename function ~expose(path$, filename$) rem Concern: rootname doesn't get printed unless it includes an rem alpha character -- make sure everything else works okay print("Exposing image ";filename$) run() SaveFITS(#0, path$;"\";filename$, 1) :rem This function will clobber existing files return   rem rem The main program! rem cls() :rem clear output window  rem set some defaults SetAcquisitionMode(1) SetAcquisitionType(0) SetShutter(2,1) input("Please enter your working directory (a subdirectory of the 'My Documents' folder, no trailing slash!):", workingdirectory$) input("Please enter a rootname (the sequence number will be appended to this, and no slashes!):", rootname$) i = 0 :rem image number (of a sequence) quit = 0 :rem set to anything else to quit the program  ~PrintHelp()  while quit==0 filename$ = rootname$;i;".fits" input("Next exposure: ";workingdirectory$;"/";filename$, command$) c$ = left$(command$,1) if !strcomp(c$,"t",1) then n = 1 :rem default number of exposures rem First, test to see if there's an argument whitespace = instr(command$," ") :rem returns the location of the first space if whitespace then n$=mid$(command$,whitespace+1,4) :rem extract the argument if whitespace then n = val(n$) :rem convert to a number print("Taking ";n;" exposure(s)") while n>0 path$ = "C:\Documents and Settings\MRO Observer\My Documents\";workingdirectory$ filename$ = rootname$;i;".fits" ~expose(path$, filename$) i = i + 1 n = n - 1 print("done -- ";n;" more to go!") wend endif if !strcomp(c$,"d",1) then input("New working directory (a subdirectory of the 'My Documents' folder):", workingdirectory$) if !strcomp(c$,"r",1) then input("New root name: ", rootname$) i = 0 endif if !strcomp(c$,"n",1) then input("Sequence number to start from: ", i) if !strcomp(c$,"e",1) then input("New Exposure time: ", exptime) SetExposureTime(exptime) endif if !strcomp(c$,"s",1) then ShowTimings() if !strcomp(c$,"h",1) then ~PrintHelp() if !strcomp(c$,"Q",0) then quit = 1 wend  end