Team 3 - The Philadelphia Eagles (7/13 - 7/16)

Post date: Jul 16, 2017 9:26:6 PM

7/13, 4:30 PM -- Arrived. Water level at 12 in.

7/16, 2:00 PM -- Water refilled from 8 in. to 28 in.

7/17, 6:00- Water level at 24 in

7/16, 12:48 AM -- Dome stopped moving while trying to rotate left using the paddle. It's now unable to move either left or right with both the paddle and the wall buttons.

7/14 - 7/16 -- Evora froze a number of times while taking different images (dome flats, object series, object single, etc.). The camera cooling didn't seem to stop while the program was crashed. This was fixed by determining Evora's process ID and stopping it with the "kill -9 #####" command in a terminal. After relaunching, connecting to the camera and filter wheel was not a problem, and the camera had remained at -82 C.

Note: Evora crashed about an hour into a long exoplanet transit, but the camera continued to take images. In a series of 850 images, Evora froze in the mid 100s, but the remaining images continued to pop up and everything seemed to be working fine regardless. We restarted Evora once the transit had completed, and everything was fine.

7/14, 12:15 AM -- Bifrost stuck on coordinates of Saturn after slewing to it in an attempted observation. Slewing to a different target still worked, and the telescope seemed to know where it was pointed, but the displayed coordinates were stuck on Saturn. We expect this occurred because we simply entered the coordinates of Saturn and slewed to it, rather than adding it to the target list first. Fixed by restarting Bifrost.

Pantry and Fridge:

lunch meat, 13 eggs, bunch of cheese, cream cheese, tortillas, butter, sour cream, ranch, ketchup, blue cheese, salsa, mayo, spicy mustard, barbecue sauce, 1 flank steak, partial bag of hash browns, tea, some coffee, cheerios, some honey nut cheerios, lots of wheat bread, some bagels, 6 hotdog buns, peanut butter, one onion, some garlic, popcorn, tortilla chips, various spices, olive oil.

1/2 full container of drinking water

3 full blue jugs of water

Needed supplies:

baby wipes

liquid hand soap