team TEAM 8/6-8/10

Post date: Aug 08, 2015 12:32:14 AM

Aug 6

Arrived early in the afternoon to still very strong air freshener smells, but the device we believe to be the air freshener appears to be empty.


Observed Kepler variable objects for a while, then the polar candidate towards the middle of the night, then various Keplers until morning all with very good weather.

Aug 7


Observed all 6 Kepler objects again. Approximately 20 images were taken of each.

Glamour targets were observed, and the results were... glamorous.

The rest of the night was spend observing the HATP23b transit, of which we got the WHOLE BLOODY THING!!! :D :D :D :D No more egress interruption this time baby!!! #3rdTime'sTheCharm

Aug 8


Mother Nature decided to give us the middle finger tonight, as the entire sky was covered in clouds except for about 10 degrees off of the horizon.

Chris was called to discuss taking "Cloud-Flats" in case the sky cleared up later, and in order to avoid taking morning flats (because morning flats suck).

As a good mentor, Chris instructed us to take the cloud-flats in order to compare them to our previous sky flats. Conclusion: they suck.

The clouds persisted until about 1am when there was a small break in the clouds... right at zenith, and then they filled the sky once again. The group made an executive decision: play Monopoly.

The Monopoly game was fierce, with Karl taking the initial lead and virtually bankrupting Micah. However, in the background Tevin was gaining strength. When it seemed as though Karl had taken 90% of the paper

money in the game, Tevin came from behind and bankrupt Micah. By gaining Micah's properties, Tevin was able to place hotels on one entire half of the board. Karl's assets dwindled as he landed on hotel

after hotel, including Boardwalk (Denny Hall because it was UW Monopoly), and he was forced to mortgage all of his properties. In his final hour, Karl threw the dice hoping to escape the "Green Mile" of Tevin's hotels.

With only $25 left, Karl moved his little silver game piece, hopping tentatively with every space... passing the green spaces... passing the railroad... "GO" is within sight! Can he make it? Aaaaaaaand..... Luxury Tax! 

Karl bankrupted to the bank and Tevin won the game.

Aug 9


Chris said on the phone on the previous night, "if you think tonight is pretty, just wait until tomorrow!" This prediction was very accurate, as tonight's sky is filled with clouds. We must not have made enough sacrifices to the Astronomy Gods.

The night is looking to be a very unproductive one like the previous one. In preparation for departure, all cleaning was done after dinner (it was potato soup. Yummmmmmm).

Brownies are being made as I type. We forgot to buy an egg, so this should be interesting. Will report back later on the result of the egg-less brownies.

Update: The egg-less brownies did not turn out very well. It also didn't help that we burned them. Oh well...

In other news: Dish soap seems to be running low. Other than that, everything seems stocked. There are still a few frozen meals/snacks in the freezer that are up for grabs.