June 22-23, ASTR 481 First Training Trip (ASAC)

Post date: Jun 23, 2018 5:29:34 PM

Cleaned dorm rooms and one bathroom as well as the dayroom. Water in collection tanks was gross so we pumped it out. Drilled a hole (many holes) in base of pipe to make a handle for water tank valve. Drilled hooks into shed door to keep it from blowing shut when open. Changed out hard disks in Heimdall. Evora camera was unplugged which caused some confusion. Left a letter on Dow's gate notifying him of future trips.


In fridge

-Half a head of lettuce and a bowl of chopped lettuce



-Cheddar Cheese

-Colby Jack Cheese


-Sliced bread


-Leftover couscous

-Half full bottle of milk

-A few La Croixes

-Half a lemon

-1 roma tomato

-Peaches in freezer

-Ice cream in freezer

Need scrubby sponges and plastic knives


Left with 18 inches