Observing Procedures at MRO

Last Updated: May 28, 2023

This is a brief summary and checklist of the procedures you need to follow when observing at MRO. Observers should contact MRO staff prior to use of the telescope for the very latest information . If you are reading a printed copy, please check the revision date at the top against the latest version at,


Initial Comments


Our septic system is a secret superhero, but its superpowers are limited to naturally occurring materials (and toilet paper). Do *not* put wipes or anything else into the system, or else you may experience what life was like before flushing toilets.


Weather conditions can make it unsafe to operate the telescope and its instruments. Cover the telescope mirrors and close the dome if any of the following weather conditions arise:

Sustained winds in excess of 30MPH, or gusts in excess of 45MPH;

Humidity in excess of 95%;

(Temperature - Dew Point) < 5° F.

Weather data for wind speed and humidity are available from the wireless station located to the left of the control room monitors. Data for (Temperature - Dewpoint) are available from the same station. If sustained wind speeds exceed 20MPH, or you are experiencing gusts in excess of 35MPH, you should work with the telescope dome opening pointed downwind (away from the direction that the wind is blowing from).

MRO Checklist

Leaving the Observatory

When you get ready to leave the observatory, first clean up: 

Then carefully go through these lists of tasks which keep the telescope and the observatory safe and in working order. Please note that MRO users are liable for any and all damages to the equipment caused by failures to properly follow these guidelines; violations of MRO policies will be reviewed by the MRO Director for possible corrective measures.

Telescope Items:

Observatory Items:

Contact Information

Problem reports should be addressed to Oliver Fraser: (206) 669-1886,  Email: ojf@uw.edu