Marchant Lab

Ivanny Marchant studied at School of Medicine of the Universidad de Valparaíso, becoming medical doctor in 2001. In 2003, she was hired as assistant professor at the School of Medicine of the Universidad de Valparaíso. She conducted postgraduate studies with scholarships provided by Chilean Ministry of Education, the French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs and the Société Française de Pharmacologie et Thérapeutique, France, obtaining her “Diploma de Estudios Avanzados” in Human Pharmacology (equivalent to Master’s degree) at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 2005 and her PhD at the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 in 2009. Her thesis focused on generating a population model founded on available demographic data and nourished by the highest quality available clinical data pertinent to some specific medical questions. This powerful tool to epidemiological research was rewarded in 2010 with a license by NovaDiscovery France, a private R&D company devoted to development of approaches based on the modeling of complex biological systems, and has served as a basis to develop research focused on the public health impact of therapeutics, as her beginner research project “Optimising cardiovascular prevention strategies in the Chilean population from their predicted public health impact” funded by Fondecyt – CONICYT in 2011. Since 2011, Dr. Marchant has been in charge of the Chair of Pharmacology at the Medical School of the Universidad de Valparaiso and co-directing postgraduate students from Université Lyon 1. In 2015, she advanced to the position of Adjunct Professor at the University of Valparaíso. Dr. Marchant is founder member of the current Faculty of Medicine Bioethics Committee Universidad de Valparaíso created in 2010. She served as Executive Secretary at the Committee until September 2019. Since then, she is committed to promoting the generation of mechanisms and regulations to exploit and maximize the utilization of anonymized health data for clinical-related and policy-driven research.