
Joshua Lewis

I never pretend to have the answers
So why should they?
People in charge who infringe and barge
Into headspaces in which they don’t belong

Often times they are lost or at a loss
Thoughts and prayers to fill the void
A cacophony of catastrophic events kill
The cost of character and kindred care is free

Instead we get “free thinkers”
Non-blinkers, eye-winkers
The rhetoric speaks doubly more volumes than, well, them
Baseless, empty, but they’ll run home saying anything

These people are scary
Not the “Aaahh!!! Real Monsters” type
But more the “he won’t be staying for dinner” type

These people, well, pretend like they aren’t
Some think they’re God, others play martyr
Incendiaries on a screen for folks to burst into flames
They’ll make sure to collect their cuts in a couple weeks

This isn’t fair, no matter how many times they tell us life isn’t
Their plans don’t bother to include the underrepresented
The broken, the inflicted, the grieving
“Free speech”, but WE pay the price
Because people believe them
Enabled, “empowered” by them
Showered with what to think, what to do, how to move
And even with no questions asked, they still, have answers