The Society of Lost Fathers

Kaitlin Sommer

I’ve been unwillingly drafted
Into a hexed association
A fellowship of heartbreak
The curse of procreation

An appendage of my heart
To which I keep my grief affixed
Sorrowful, forlorn, and gloomy
Sundry feelings mixed

It’s a sisterhood of sadness
The Society of Lost Fathers
The ache of losing you
For will a lifetime bother

Fear not though, dear dad
For you raised me to be strong
I’ll search the crowds for sisters
And help carry them along

Unintentionally and tragically
Together we’ve been bound
Women who’ve lost parts of ourselves
When our daddies met the ground

I’ll lead a federation of fierceness
Tough like you raised me to be
I’ll help and hold and love and care
And I’ll know you’re always proud of me

The Society of Lost Fathers
A circle we’d all die to leave
We’ll strive for a happy life
But for you, we’ll always grieve

The Society of Lost Fathers
A club I’d never choose
Yet to which I’ll subscribe forever
Because of my love for you.