Letter from the Editors

Dear Avalon Readers,


It is with great pride and excitement that we bring to you the Fall 2023 edition of Avalon Literature & Arts Magazine. Each edition brings forth new standards, while also honoring those who have forged the path before us. The creators of previous editions have inspired the Shenandoah University community with their art, providing us with a record number of Fall submissions this semester. This fresh wave of artists challenged us with their focus on craft, high-caliber language, and expert technique. 

This semester, our editorial board began the project of reshaping Avalon. We focused on laying new foundations for the magazine, as we worked to set up future editorial boards with the tools they will need to continue raising the merit of this publication. As we lay these foundations for what Avalon will become, we editors also meditated on what Avalon should stand for. Our contributors this semester provided us with that answer. Along with the technical prowess of the pieces, myriad themes emerged throughout the submissions. The wonder of the celestial, the sparkle hidden in the natural world, the flickering of a phoenix’s wings–as our journal’s namesake suggests, this semester Avalon is a portal into the mystical. In an age in which aesthetics continually shift to the modern and simple, how delightful it is to look forward to the fantastical every year! 


We hope as you read, you feel the same magic that set us alight as we made our selections this semester. We invite you to be a part of Avalon’s story by submitting your own works and supporting us on the road ahead. Now, please join us in the ethereal world of Avalon Literature & Arts Magazine

The editors of Avalon would like to offer a special thanks to Rob Leo, who designed the fantastic looking new site!

A Note on the New Logo, by designer Bella Dana

This logo was an extremely fun piece to create. I am usually a traditional artist who sticks with a pencil and paper, but with this opportunity I was able to expand my horizons. The inspiration is drawn from the mythical legend of the island of Avalon from the legend of King Arthur. The island was a place of magic where Excalibur was made and was able to help the king recover from a perilous battle. I wanted to channel this magical property into the tree with its tangling branches and elegance. Our Avalon is a collection of our own kind of magic—with talented writers, photographers, and artists. I thought it would be amazing to represent this idea through my design by adding our symbols of the stars being the leaves of the tree, as we make up our own community.