
Spring 2024

Connor Binter

Connor K. Binter is a Computer Science major with an affinity for art, writing, and music. He finds great inspiration in various dark themed media, such as the works of Edgar Allen Poe, or FromSoftware's works on Bloodborne and Dark Souls.

Juliette Brookman

Juliette Brookman is a sophomore English Creative Writing major at the University of Mary Washington. Her work was previously published in her university's literary and arts journal, the Aubade. She uses poetry as a means to process her past and present.

Emelia Delaporte

Emelia Delaporte is a junior at Virginia Tech studying technical writing, journalism, conservation and natural resources. Her work has previously appeared in the Silhouette and the Floyd County Moonshine. She serves as editor-in-chief for the Silhouette, the literary and art magazine at Virginia Tech.

Kayleigh Dugger

Kayleigh Dugger is a junior Geology major at Western Carolina University. Her work has previously appeared in the University of Mary Washington’s Aubade. Writing is her favorite hobby, and she has been pursuing it ever since starting college in 2021.

Shannon Fowler

Shannon Fowler is a sophomore at Shenandoah University, pursuing her degree in Vocal Performance. This is her first submission to Avalon but she has always had a love for stories, poetry, and prose. When she's not in the practice room or reading, she's helping patrons and managing performances with the Shenandoah Conservatory Box Office.

Teagan Fowlkes

Teagan Fowlkes is a sophomore at the University of Louisville studying for a Bachelor in Social Work with a minor in creative writing. Her work has previously appeared in the Cathartic Youth Literary Magazine, The White Squirrel, Eunoia Review, and Idle Ink.

Natalie Gales

Natalie is a sophomore studying Media & Communication and Spanish. Her works have previously been published in Avalon and the Latin American News Digest. When she isn't writing, Natalie loves performing in the marching band, being in nature, and reading fantasy novels.

Kenna Geary

Kenna Geary is a junior Film Production Major with a Professional & Popular Writing minor. She has told stories through film, writing, and art since childhood and continues to do so. Kenna is obsessed with storytelling and passionate about sharing stories whenever she can, in any format.

Jace Gibson

Jace Gibson is a sophomore Media Communications and English major with minors in Professional and Popular Writing and Public Relations. He has a deep-rooted passion for rhetoric and storytelling, finding inspiration in the darkest facets of reality. He hopes to one day become an editor, though he has dreams of becoming an author as well.

Ali Gue

Ali Gue is a senior Media and Communications major and triple minor at Shenandoah University. She is passionate about all things creative and looks forward to helping others achieve their creative dreams too.

W. David Hubbard

Wayne David Hubbard is a graduate student in Organizational Leadership at Shenandoah University, and the author of two poetry collections. His writings appear in Button Poetry, several reviews, and two Virginia anthologies on environmental preservation.

Nora Hunter*

Nora Hunter is a Sophomore English Major and Writing minor.

*Nora's short story "Backup Drive No. 485 - Item (1) of (1)" received an Honorable Mention in this year's competition for the Bruce C. Souders Fiction Award. The judges commended the work for its vision of dry office humor set in an extraterrestrial world.

Paige Lannon

Paige Lannon is a junior English major with a Professional and Popular Writing minor. She has been published in previous editions of Avalon and is passionate about Gothic literature. Paige's short stories, poems, and drawings often reflect her love for the macabre.

Sable Lay

Sable Lay is an English/Creative Writing major at UNC Asheville. She is a queer transfemme poet that hails from San Diego. While she hasn't been published quite yet, she finds inspiration for her writing by dismantling religious preconceptions and exploring what it means to be transgender.

Katey Lehmbeck

Katey Lehmbeck is a sophomore Elementary Education major at Shenandoah University. Her work has appeared in Avalon previously. She finds inspiration in daily activities like walking around campus, when she looks around she sees photos ready to be taken.

Joshua Lewis*

Joshua Lewis is a senior Clarinet Performance Major at Shenandoah University. While music is his primary focus in life as of now, he is a (mainly) free-verse poet in his free time, as a few of his works were published in Avalon in past years. Many of his works are inspired by his vast catalog of musical influences, which includes anything from jazz to hip-hop to indie music.

*Joshua's poem "Blossom From This Microcosm" was selected as the winner of this year's S. Gordden Link Poetry Award. The judges commended the poem for its skillful spoken-word and lyrical qualities; its interwoven themes of resilience, resistance, and self-growth; and its call to see the world through a different vision.

Axel Manica*

Axel Manica is a Senior Musical Theater major, with an intense love for science fiction and fantasy. Having recently declared a writing minor, and excited about his time spent working behind the table on Shenandoah's Avalon Literary Magazine, he dreams of pursuing editorial and publishing work beyond his hunting of the 17th shard of Adonalsium.

*Axel's "The Fugue Soldier," an excerpt from a longer work in progress, was selected as the winner of this year's Bruce C. Souders Fiction Award. The judges selected the work for its comprehensive character- and world-building, distinctive use of voice and perspective, and sheer ambition.

Lailah Moore

Lailah Moore is an OU honors college junior double majoring in Linguistics and Chinese. She finds inspiration from her her vivid dreams and the charm of everyday life. She is very fascinated in the intricacies of lines and colorful expression, aiming to represent the beauty of culture through her creations.

Emma Ogden*

Emma Ogden is a freshman at Shenandoah University. She enjoys reading, writing, and making fiber art.

*Emma's poem "The Lake" received an Honorable Mention in this year's competition for the S. Gordden Link Poetry Award. The judges commended the poem for its subtle craft, vivid description, and contemplative self-realization.

Allison Pham

Allison Pham is a junior Biology major and Creative Writing minor at the University of Louisville with a concentration in ethics. This will be the first time any of her work has been published to be read outside the safe confines of her Instagram Close Friends story.

Erin Lee Shields

Erin Lee Shields is a junior Acting major at Shenandoah Conservatory.

Annie Vokes

Annie Vokes is a senior at Oakland University who is majoring in both graphic design and studio art. Her work is heavily inspired by nature and observations from her daily life. Her goal is to take the ordinary and turn it into something extraordinary.

Katherine Weinhold

Katherine Weinhold is a junior studying business management and psychology. She has previously worked as the editor in chief of Tuscarora Review at Frederick Community College and now works as the managing editor of Avalon. She also has written and directed two of her own short films and hopes to work on another film soon!