ENL Lesson Resources



                                             WHAT'S IN YOUR TOOLBELT?

What’s in your tool belt? Maybe you're new to teaching Recently Arrived ELLs/MLLs and you are just building your toolbelt. You'll want some icebreaker activities. Maybe you'll need  flashcards, games, or a listening activity to take to ENL class or a co-teaching classroom.

 You'll likely want a variety of reading, writing, speaking and listening resources including foldables ready for any situation that might occur and ways to support ELLs/MLLs in the general classroom. 

Here are a few to get you started!   Spring Lesson Plan  Spring Resources


-Spring ENL Teaching Ideas  https://www.aworldoflanguagelearners.com/spring-teaching-ideas-for-english-language-learners/

-Teaching ELLs  https://www.colorincolorado.org/teaching-english-language-learners

-Blog About Essential Resources https://www.fluentu.com/blog/educator-english/esl-teaching-resources/

-Support in the General Classroom https://www.cultofpedagogy.com/supporting-esl-students-mainstream-classroom/

-ESL Kid Stuff http://www.studentguide.org/the-50-best-esl-resources-for-kids/

-43 Fantastic ENL Resources  https://www.publicschoolreview.com/blog/43-fantastic-esl-resources-for-students

-Twinkl https://www.twinkl.com/resources/esl-resources

-ENL Activities https://sites.google.com/a/oswego.org/my-enl-page/home/reading-writing-speaking-listening-foldables

-50 Best - http://www.studentguide.org/the-50-best-esl-resources-for-kids/

-A Beginning List Of The Best Sites For Free ELL/ESL Lesson Plans – Who Am I Missing? | Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... (edublogs.org) 

 -Elementary ENL http://www.awalkinthechalk.com/2017/12/top-5-favorite-resources-for-teaching.html

-ELL Online Resources  https://padlet.com/hanna_hagaman/el-resources-5y64c1mxygg5

-SIOP Resources https://ellandsiopresources.weebly.com/reading-resources.html

-SIOP - Lesson plans and activities (cal.org) 

-ENL Reading-https://sites.google.com/a/oswego.org/my-enl-page/home/teaching-ells-to-read

-ENL Writing  https://sites.google.com/a/oswego.org/my-enl-page/writing-and-ells

ONE OF OUR FAVORITE STRATEGIES:   Picture Word Inductive Method




                                                                                MORE GREAT LESSON RESOURCES

Interactive Word W a ll    Pre-Teach Vocabulary  Grade  Level Acad. Vocab      Flashcard Factory   Dictionary & Glossary Resources

Tier 2 Vocabulary     Plus-Minus Reflections     Create Language Objectives     Kate Kinsella     Juicy Sentences     Sentence Stems

Language Dives     Games     15 Resources     Sentence Frames     Vocab Activities     Phoneme Awareness     Sequencing

Content-Area Vocab Cards     1-3-6 Strategy     Picture Word Inductive Method     Six Word Memoirs     Language Tips

                                                                12 Fun Speaking Games for ELLs        Vocabulary Strategies