Understanding Language Acquisition

What are the Ideal Conditions for Language Learning?

- Coelho, E. (2016).  Adding English: A guide to teaching in multilingual classrooms (pp. 160-161). University of Toronto Press.

Learning Guide 1 - What do I need to know about English language learners and language acquisition.docx

"Many teachers mistakenly believe that students can’t learn academic language until they have become proficient in social English. It is important to understand that BICS and CALP develop simultaneously, but the acquisition of academic language takes longer. Therefore, teachers should begin instruction in academic language as soon as possible." - IRIS Center

Tools for Scaffolding Lessons According to Stages of Language Proficiency

ESL Pyramid of Supports - Supporting Chart.pdf

The Affective Filter Hypothesis

Links between Language Learning and Attention

Some learners are unable to sustain their focus when experiencing an overload and so cannot meet the demands of the learning experience. 

You may notice a combination of any of the following behaviours:

- Arnett, K., & Bourgoin, R. (2018). Access for Success: Making Inclusion work for language learners. Pearson Canada.