subject specific vocabulary

Content teachers have to educate their ELLs on how to be literate and communicative in the language of their discipline (Gibbons, 2008). 

Suffixes and Prefixes - Most Common.pdf

One study has shown that a set of 20 prefixes and 14 roots, and knowing how to use them, will unlock the meaning of over 100,000 words.


Morphology is the study of word structure and word formation. A morpheme is the smallest grammatical unit in a language that carries meaning. Morphology is important for English Language Learners because it breaks down language and creates patterns of meaning for speakers. Learning English isn't simply about reading sentences and words, rather to truly know English, the speaker must be able to make meaning of the sounds within words. For example, once a speaker understands the morpheme of s or ing, they will be able to apply and comprehend that construct of language with many different words. (Source:

Peter Bowers (2006) states that English morphology is a complex, but highly ordered system that students can investigate and understand. He uses an approach called Structured Word Inquiry that guides students to become inquisitive about the reasoning behind spelling patterns and build their knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes. 

Two of his key strategies, Word Webs and Word Matrices (see examples to the right), can be used to help students see patterns in our language and help students build a broad bank of related terms. These tools can be particularly helpful for content teachers who are required to help ELL students navigate more complex terms. Teachers might plan direct instruction to reinforce key terms such as perpendicular, oxidation or liberalism or use a teachable moment to highlight the base of a word such as such as geo, metre, struct, or quest and see how many words can be developed from that base, e.g., dict (to say): prediction, dictator, dictionary, indict, diction, edict, verdict.

Blog Posts on Morphology: 

Morphology and ELLs:

Teaching Morphology (ESL Writing):

looking closer at the vocabulary demands in our programs of study

Each program of study is loaded with academic vocabulary that is often unique to that content area. In order to fully support ELLs, teachers should be familiar with the Tier 3 vocabulary demands in their content area. These technical words need to be intentionally taught and reinforced if we want students to fully achieve curriculum outcomes. 

As an example, Science and Math teachers in Edmonton Catholic Schools, reviewed their Programs of Study in Grades 1-6 and generated lists of Academic Vocabulary that they would need to intentionally teach to better support ELLs.  


Strategies for Teaching Tier 3 WORDS (subject-specific terms)

Word Sorts

This strategy can be used before or after a text, task or unit. Teachers can prompt students to do a closed sort: e.g,, words they know/do not know; cause/effect; part of speech or by specific headings. An open sort invites students to find their own way to sort the words intelligently. It involves critical thinking, group discussion and justifications. Once students have sorted words, they can make a prediction about an upcoming text/video/unit of study or they can write sentences using the words.

A to Z Brainstorming 

A surprisingly simple strategy but one that is effective for helping students remember and organize what they know about a concept. This can be used before a unit of study or text to activate knowledge or it can be used after to consolidate key information. Students can list words that start with each letter of the alphabet or alternatively, they can write a sentence that starts with each letter.

Image source:

Semantic Feature Chart

This strategy helps students compare and contrast objects in relation to key characteristics. With some concepts such as the polygons and fluids (see charts to the right), there are precise, correct answers, but in other contexts such as the Renaissance, the chart is intended to spark a review of key ideas in the unit and lead to group discussion, critical thinking and reflection. This strategy requires students to apply their understanding of key vocabulary words beyond memorizing a simple definition.


Concept Definition Map

This strategy requires students to identify key characteristics and examples of a new word they are learning. This map can feature a definition of the word, but it can also be used to connect the concept to a larger category or "anchor" it to a related word. This helps students connect new words to words they already know and better understand where it fits within a larger set of concepts. 

Concept Cards

Student create explanations with detailed illustrations for key vocabulary words in a unit of study and attach them to a key ring. This becomes a handy reference and study tool. These rings can be used as flashcards, for partner work and are good for anchoring words in long-term memory.

Mnemonics and Memory Tricks

Simple, but effective for students learning new words! Mnemonics assist the memory, using a system of rhymes, rules, phrases, diagrams, or acronyms. These devices help students remember, memorize, and recall information such as names, dates, facts, or figures. They do that by turning original information into an easy, more appealing rhyme or sentence which, in turn, can be stored in your brain as an easy reference for larger “meaningful" chunks of data. Students can co-develop memory tricks, but they should be free to use any trick that helps them personally recall or distinguish between terms - e.g., conduction (d for duct which means leading heat from one molecule to another) vs. convection (c in middle of word for ceiling fan moving air). 

Acronym Examples: Order of Planets Orbiting the Sun



Shades of Meaning

This strategy, developed by Laurie sGoodman in 2004, helps students identify the subtle differences among related words. Students are invited to sort semantically similar words by degree of intensity - happier, sadder, louder, style of walking, etc. This strategy can be used on words encountered pre or post reading or unit of study.  The words can be arranged horizontally or vertically. Paint chips or post it notes are commonly used to arrange the words. The target word would be found in the middle. Have students discuss their rationale for placing words in certain locations, clarify their understandings of the words and relate examples from their own experiences. As an extension exercise, students could write sentences using the words. 

More Information:

Gr 4-12 lesson using Visual Thesaurus:

Sources of images:

Interactive Word Walls and Exploring Disciplinary Facets of Words

Reading - Interactive Word Walls.pdf
Interactive Word Wall Activities pkg PDF.pdf
Strategy - Exploring Disciplinary Facets.pdf

Grade 4 Science Vocabulary cards (AB ED Curriculum) - more grades coming soon! 

Building Devices that Move.pdf
Waste and Our World.pdf
Lights and Shadows.pdf
Wheels and Levers.pdf
Plant Growth and Change.pdf

Grade 4 Social Studies Vocabulary Cards (AB ED Curriculum) 

Alberta Sense of Land.pdf
The Stories, Histories and People of Alberta .pdf
Alberta Celebrations and Challenges.pdf

Using Games to Reinforce Gr 7-8 Science & Math Vocabulary

Taboo Template
Mathematics Taboo
inheritance taboo
breathing system taboo