Welcoming Parents

When you first meet with parents or they visit a reception centre, it can be helpful to provide them with information that extends beyond their child's placement in a school.  Consider what else they might need to know to successfully integrate in the school and broader community.

Information Schools Should Provide to Newcomer Families to Support Integration:

Source: Short, D. J., & Boyson, B. A. (2012). Helping newcomer students succeed in secondary schools and beyond. Washington, DC: Center for Applied Linguistics (p. 52). Retrieved from http://www.cal.org/resource-center/publications/helping- newcomer-students 

Key information that could be gathered and kept on hand to share with 

newly arrived parents:

Considerations when Communicating with Newcomer Families

Social media:

Translated materials or notes:

Bilingual staff or family liaison:

Face-to-face options:

Snyder, S., & Fenner, D.S  (2021). Culturally responsive teaching for multilingual learners. Corwin Sage. 


Information Tips for Parents 1
Information Tips for Parents 2
Parent Session- General.pdf

Using a generic family invitation form that can be completed and used for all types of events that occur at the school allows family members to become familiar with it during the school year.  The form should be translated into families’ home languages so teachers have less need for ongoing translation services.

Generic Parent Invitation