
A New Student Arrives at Your School

For more details on first steps, review our Intake Checklist Exemplar...

ELL Intake Checklist

Reception Centers


Interview parents and student(s): 

Initial ELL Placement Information EPSB.pdf
ECDP English Language Learners Parent Questionnaire
Intake-Draft EICS.pdf
Intake-Draft EICS 2.pdf

Initial English Language Proficiency Assessment

Following the intake process, the ELL's family history, placement recommendation and assessment results should be provided to schools and teachers so they can begin to program effectively for the incoming student.

For more support with ELL assessments, go to the Programming Tab > Asssessments.


K - 9 


Start a documentation file for the student 

Provincial Codes

301: Foreign born

303: Canadian Born

640: Refugee status

55: International Student   

302:  ESL Non-funded - fee paying students  (International/non-resident)