Language Routines

This page is dedicated to universal routines to support language development.  

Visit the subpages on Building Background, Using Visuals, Vocabulary, Oral Language, Reading, and Writing for more information.

Learn how sentence frames, key visuals and modifying text are three ways to scaffold learning for EAL students. 

Learning Guide 4 - How can teachers scaffold learning for ELLs.pdf
Copy of Expeditionary Learning - Appendix and protocols.pdf

A compendium of protocols used in lessons and strategies related to checking for understanding, ongoing assessment, and building academic vocabulary.

Copy of go-to-strategies.pdf

The strategies described here have been chosen to reflect five research-based principles of scaffolded instruction for EAL students:  1) to focus on academic language, literacy, and vocabulary; 2) to link background knowledge and culture of learning; 3) to increase comprehensible input and language output; 4) to promote classroom interaction; and 5) to stimulate higher order thinking and the use of learning strategies.

These strategies include step-by-step guides, ideas for differentiation, tips for connecting to students' home languages, and resources such as videos and practical examples.

While these strategies were compiled with English language learners (ELLs) in mind, they can be used to support academic language development for all students.


While this document is not specific to EAL students, it does emphasize the importance of disciplinary literacy.  Our EAL students need support from every teacher in all disciplines to develop language proficiency.  "The emphasis on disciplinary literacy makes clear that every teacher communicates their subject through academic language, and that reading, writing, speaking and listening are at the heart of knowing and doing Science, Art, History, and every other subject in secondary school" (Education Endowment Fund, 2018)

The link above, "Literacy Instruction for English Learners" from Colorin Colorado is an in-depth series offering multiple strategies and considerations related to EAL literacy instruction.

The link below, "Literacy for Multilingual Learners" is a compilation of the research and resources from the U.S. National Committee for Effective Literacy.  Be sure to check out their webinar on what effective literacy instruction for multilingual students is and what it looks like.

Ellevation Effective Literacy Instruction for Secondary.pptx

Dr. Carol Salva was one of the many experts in multilingual education presenting at ELLEVATION's Impact 2022.  You can find her recording to this presentation, along with many other recordings and resources, using the Impact 2022 link.

Learn about strategies for scaffolding content instruction and tools for collaboration

Irina McGrath, Ph.D. and Michelle Makus Shory, Ed.S. have created countless choice boards that address the many areas of instruction and support for students adding English to the languages they know.  Click on the ELL 2.0 image or the link above to find out more.

Click on the image on the right "Long-Term Success for Experiences Multilinguals" to access the webinar or visit the link

In this 45-minute interactive webinar, authors Tan Huynh and Beth Skelton will share an instructional framework from their book Long-Term Success for Experienced Multilinguals. In the webinar, you will learn four essential actions and practical strategies that create the conditions for success for experienced multilingual students, the assets-based term for students classified as long-term English learners.