
Learning English

Translated from the Spanish by Lori M. Carlson


to understand me

you have to know Spanish

feel it in the blood of your soul.

If I speak another language

and use different words

for feelings that will always stay the same

I don't know 

if I'll continue being

the same person.

Aprender el inglés

by Luis Ambroggio


para entenderme

tienes que saber español

sentirlo en la sangre de tu alma.

Si hablo otro lenguaje

y uso palabras distintas

para expresar sentimientos que nunca cambiará n

no sé 

si seguiré  siendo

la misma persona.

Carlson, L. M. (Ed.). (2013). Cool salsa: Bilingual poems on growing up Latino in the United States. Square Fish.


What is Translanguaging?

Translanguaging is a dynamic form of bilingualism that focuses more on communication than language itself.  It is not going from one language code to another, but rather posits that "bilinguals have one linguistic repertoire from which they select features strategically to communicate effectively" (p. 1. A CUNY-NYSIEB Guide for Educators. (2013))

Translanguaging is a pedagogical strategy that recognizes students' assets and welcomes the language(s) they bring to academic tasks, thereby empowering them to engage more fully with challenging material.

More Resources

Translanguaging PD Recording.mp4

The Translanguaging Guides below are from the City University of New York (CUNY) Initiative on Emergent Bilinguals.  Visit their website for more resources and ideas to develop equity in the classroom through translanguaging practices.


Translanguaging connects to creativity

When students can access all of their linguistic repertoires, new and amazing things are created.

Come on everyone

Get up and dance

Don't be shy tonight

Quit standing by the doors

Hit the floors

Young and old

I'm gonna rock your world - Chubby Cree

"Basically [we're] trying to reach out to the world for healing and for prayers and for love.  To show them that we're here to share all this with you." - Carol Powder

"Translanguaging allows writers to negotiate between English and their home language writing styles.  They use their first language knowledge and build up their second language knowledge; gaining confidence in learning to write in English while being empowered by their own cultural practices."

-Peña, J., Larraguibel, N., Avalos, M., & Jiang, X. (2020, November 2). Bilingualism, multilingualism, translingualism - we do it all. The Peer Review.