videos and webinars

video Series - Supporting English Language Learners

This newly created series was designed to provide a self-guided professional learning experience for educators at any level who have English Language Learners in their classroom. Joyce shares foundational ESL principles as well as practical tips and high-impact strategies for creating a supportive environment and helping students develop language proficiency. Her presentation has been broken into 7 segments, each of which is accompanied by a Learning Guide. These guides are intended to facilitate discussion and reflection; they include key understandings from the video, questions for discussion and links for more information.

Dr. Joyce Purdy completed her PhD in 2008 in the area of Literacy and English Language Learners. With over 20 years experience, Joyce taught both at the elementary level and to pre-service teachers at the University of Alberta. Joyce also served as an ESL and a Literacy Consultant with Edmonton Public Schools where she provided professional learning, coaching and support at all division levels for teachers of English language learners.  

# 1 What do I need to know about English Language Learners and language acquisition?

# 2 How is language acquired? How can teachers create an environment that promotes language development? 

#3 Why is building background knowledge important for English Language Learners?


#4 How can teachers scaffold learning for English Language Learners? 

#5 How do teachers plan lessons that include content and language objectives? 

#6 Why is academic vocabulary development important? What does effective vocabulary instruction look like? 

#7 What does effective vocabulary instruction look like? (Part II)

archived WEbinars

Webinar by Kathy Salmon 

More Than Good Teaching: Explicit Language Instruction for ELLs in Mainstream Classrooms

Webinar #4 Explicit Language Instruction for ELLs Paula_s Notes