Oral Language

What does talk do?

The presentations, links, and recordings below offer some key strategies and cultural considerations regarding oral language development

Copy of Session 6 - What's SIOP? - Interaction

Interaction is the fifth component of the SIOP Model. This presentation contains information about this component's four features 

Copy of Discourse: What is it & why is it important for language learning

This presentation looks at the cultural influences of discourse and some routines teachers can implement to help EAL students develop their proficiency in discourse


Importance of Oral Language

The person doing the talking is the person doing the learning.  Read more about it here.


Strengthening Reasoning, Strengthening Language

Peer Learning: Fostering MLs' Oral Language Development and Content Understanding

Diane Staehr Fenner and Sydney Snyder offer four key practices for fostering MLs engagement and participation in peer learning activities.  See the padlet below (Chapter 4) for tools and ideas.

Universal Interaction Routines

Math Routines for Interaction