PATs, Diplomas and High School Pathways

For Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs), bilingual dictionaries are permitted only for the subject area of ELA - and for Part A only.  

For Diploma exams, bilingual dictionaries are permitted for ELA and Social Studies Parts A and are not permitted for Humanities Parts B, Math, and Science. 

*Digital bilingual dictionaries are not permitted.

Please review the annual Subject Bulletins and Accommodations and Provisions documents made available by Alberta Education for current information about what is allowed for these assessments.

High School Pathways

Programming for EAL students in High School

This document provides some guidelines for identifying the best pathway for EAL students in High School. On page 5, a sample High School Pathways Table has been provided. There are also tips on how to access Locally-Developed Courses. 

Programming for ELLs in High School