Ideas for Staff PL

This page features activities that can be used during Staff Professional Learning opportunities. These activities are intended to activate background knowledge, provoke discussion and enrich understandings of how to support and plan for ELLs. 

Anticipation Guide - Language Acquisition & ELLs 

Use this Anticipation Guide with staff to generate conversation. 

an overview of ESL LEVELS OF PROFICiENCY: 

Slides from a session provided By Valerie Behiels, ESL Consultant:  

Handout for ESL Assessments, Strategies and Resources

ABC Chart  - brainstorming activity

Image source:

How To Group Students For Success


educator's guide - Many Roots Many Voices: Supporting English language learners in every classroom 

Skim through this document written for Ontario educators in 2005. Look for and acknowledge similar practices that are already in place at your school and identify new possibilities from these suggestions about what else could be done to welcome and support ELLs in your context. 

Supporting ELLs in the Classroom.pdf

video series: Supporting English Language Learners - Grades 1 - 8 

Watch any or all of these ten video segments with accompanying print resources. They were created for Ontario schools in 2009. The goal was to make visible, for teachers, the kinds of supports that ELLs require. These segments include a look at strategies in use in classrooms and interviews with staff and ESL experts. 

                         Viewing Guide            Videos and Resources

professional articles on co-teaching

Co-Teaching to Support ELLs_.pdf
Co Teaching ELLS Riding a Tandem Bike by Honigsfeld and Dove.pdf

Presentation slides

This is a detailed set of slides on Building Background Knowledge and Vocabulary. One suggestion is to tackle these ideas in smaller chunks. For example, assign small groups of teachers a segment to explore and/or present to the larger group. 

Building Background