

In order to qualify for ESL funding from Alberta Education and pass an ESL Funding audit, here are a few guidelines: 

Benchmarks as Part of Annual Assessment (January 2017)
Using the Alberta K–12 ESL Proficiency Benchmarks as Part of a Locally Developed Annual Assessment Protocol to Support an English as a Second Language (ESL) Funding Code

Additional Assessments that can be used

This list of 'A, B & C' assessments may be available in your school but check to see which ones require specialized assessment training before being administered. Click hyperlinked title to view the document.

It is important to put in place consistent assessment practices at the school and district level so students are correctly placed and language growth can be easily tracked.


Training teachers to administer the Benchmark

Teachers and administrators may feel that an ESL lead or a district level consultant is the best person to administer Benchmark assessments to ELLs. However, a classroom teacher is often a far better choice. The teacher may observe discreet skills or attempts made that might not be as evident to another assessor who does not know the child. Furthermore, children who are being tested by an adult with whom they have a daily working relationship will be more at ease and comfortable to take risks and show what they know and can do as opposed to being assessed by an unknown or lesser know adult. 

Initially, it can be helpful to have an ESL lead co-assess with the classroom teacher. The ESL lead can guide teachers to know what to look for, to be aware of multi-step directions and build their proficiency and consistency. 

Learn Alberta has a number of support tools in place to guide teachers through Benchmark assessments: 

language Proficiency Benchmarks with Examples, AB ED 

Gr 4-6 ESL Benchmarks.pdf
Kindergarten ESL Benchmarks .pdf
Gr 7-9 ESL Benchmarks.pdf
Gr 1-3 ESL Benchmarks.pdf
Gr 10-12 ESL Benchmarks.pdf

elementary decoding assessments

Student Decoding sheet Div. I.pdf
Assessor Decoding sheet Div. I.pdf
Student Decoding Sheet Div. 2.pdf
Assessor Decoding Sheet Div 2.pdf

Oral Language Screeners (Calgary board of education)

Picture Division One Oral Language Screener.pdf
Oral Indicator of ELP Division I.pdf
Picture Prompt Division II.pdf
Oral Indicator of ELP Division II.pdf
Picture Prompt Division III.pdf
Oral Indicator of ELP Division III.pdf
Picture Prompt Division IV.pdf
Oral Indicator of ELP Division IV.pdf

Performance Indicators for Div 1 & 2 

Edmonton Catholic Schools

The following two documents were created to assist teachers with writing comments for report cards at the elementary level with respect to their progress in language acquisition. They were compiled from the Alberta Education K-12 ESL Proficiency Benchmarks in order to keep the integrity of the language levels and to assist teachers in utilizing standardized language and accuracy with respect to language acquisition.

These two documents can also been considered for use for ELLs that have PLP/IPPs to focus on smart goals that are attainable with respect to the ELLs’ level of language proficiency when adapting tasks, lesson delivery, assignments, projects, or assessments.  

Div 1Benchmarks Indicators.pdf
Div 2 Benchmarks Indicators.pdf

Parent Permission form (sample)

ELL Assessment Permission Form Updated Oct 2012

What happens if students appear to be "incorrectly" assessed? 

Differentiating Instruction with ESL Benchmarks 

Edmonton Catholic Schools

Benchmarks Differentiation PPT

Setting Learning Goals and Reporting Achievement

Reporting Progress Report Cards
ESL Report Card Support Document 17-18
ELL Report Card Support Document 2018
Report Card Comments ECSD Sample

File Integrity

This checklist provides September and June protocols depending on when schools decide to Benchmark their students.

Checklist for File Integrity of Documents for ELLs for September 30th Audit Purposes copy.pdf

The slide presentation provides guidelines, highlights assessment tools and is a helpful starting point for ensuring that ELL student files contain all required documents. 

File Integrity Assessments