ELLs & The Science of Reading 

        ESL Rural Mural 

The purpose of the ESL Rural Mural website is to provide education leaders with key policies, guidelines, strategies and resources.  It is a resource used by the University of Oregon's Education Department. 

How Administrators Can Prioritize Serving MLLs this Year

HELP! I Have a Newcomer 

Free ENL Webinars

Holiday Resources

Northern ENL PLC

Mid-State RBERN

Landmark Court Rulings

Curriculum Maps by Proficiency Level



Did you know?

ENL teachers receive specialized training that a general education teacher may not be aware of in order to work will Multilingual students?

Ex. Linguistics & Language Objectives

In a co-teaching setting they have the opportunity to share their knowledge for the benefit of all students. Here are a few articles that shares a bit more about this Co-Teaching process:

Beyond Posting Language Objectives

An Elementary ENL Collaboration & Co-Teaching Success Story

Setting Up Your Classroom

"My role is to write language objectives including language functions and forms, and to provide supports and language learning activities which assist ELLs and all students in successful learning. I look at the content objective and then decide on the forms and functions of language I need to meet that objective. "   -Laura Stevens

Co-Teaching and Capacity Building

                  Boosting ELL Comprehension


                        Starts @10 AM on Zoom

                           -Dr. Jeff Zwiers-Keynote Speaker

                           -Michelle Gill

                           -Adrian Mendoza

                           -Interactive Zoom Debrief  

                           -Tan Huynh, Dr. Katie Toppel, Dr. Carol Salva                                        Register here

New!  Meeting Academic and Linguistic Demands- ALDs (Creating Access to the Next Generation Learning Standards for ELLs) 

New ! Here's How Graduation Requirements Could Change

Growth Based Grading for ELLs (Video)

Hands-On Experiential Learning :The Advanced Technology Learning Framework

Why is CTE beneficial for MLLs? Part 1

Three Strategies to Elevate MLL Instruction in CTE

 JuneMrs. Stevens' Strategies of the Month: June

70 Awesome End-of-the-Year Activities

Lots of great ideas here for those days after testing and before the last day of school!

 Comprehension Checks

Comprehension checks can be a helpful strategy for teachers who aren't sure how to support ELLs or how well their students are understanding the content. 

Write  Language Objectives 

This video explains the difference between language objectives and content objectives.

Whiz Write


Speaking 2024April 14-May 23  Reading, Writing & Listening:  May 12-May 24

How to Make the Science of Reading Work for Adolescent ELLs and Newcomers

Reading For ELLs-Shawnna Sweet- NYSTESOL

How to Use Scaffolding to Support MLLs in CTE Part 2

A Guide to Using Academic Mini-Lessons in CTE for MLLs

Language Portraits Activity

  Hi Everyone!

I am Laura Stevens, an ENL teacher for the Oswego City School District, Oswego, NY, and have been educating ELLs/MLLs for more than 20 years. I currently teach at C.E. Riley Elementary School. My students and their families are very special and important to me, and I am always seeking the best ways to collaborate with others to serve them and their families with excellence!       

Parent & Family Resources  

For Families-Colorin Colorado   

September 2023 Newsletter-Newcomers and SIFE

October Newsletter  Teaching ELLs in the Content Areas

January 2024 Newsletter      New ELL Strategy Library

February Newsletter  How to Support Social-Emotional Health

March 2024 Newsletter   Migrant Farmworkers in CNY

April 2024 Newsletter  Special Education and ELLs

New !   What does an Actual ENL Lesson Look Like? (Video)

View an ENL lesson from an Elementary school in Syracuse, NY. The teacher posts and discusses lesson objectives for ELLs before starting the lesson. Gradual release is one strategy used here. (I do, we do, you do)  The teacher also demonstrates modeling. Students learn targeted vocabulary  in small groups with peer assisted instruction/student leaders,

New !  Understanding the 5 Different Language Levels  (Video)

This video explains what students can do at the 5 levels and offers some helpful strategies for teachers. For example, newcomer ELLs will need to start with basic vocabulary and survival skills. There may be a silent period while they listen and learn. Begin by working on essential vocabulary with pictures and word walls  to include greetings, classroom items and basic grammar.



New!  Top Tips for Teachers    Supporting ELLs in All Areas

New!  Common Myths about ELLs   Teaching Roles    World Stories      Hands-On Experiential Learning

New!  Language Acquisition    First Week Activities with ELLs

New!  Can-Do Descriptors      ELL Strategies      Stories in Home Languages

New!      Colorin Colorado     Global Storybooks

New!   Starting Newcomers Out on the Right Foot     Co-Teaching

New!   The Role of an ENL Teacher (Mid-State RBERN)    Games

New! Resources for New ENL Teachers   (Thank-You Mrs. Knapp)

             Cohort for New ENL Teachers    Asset Based Learning 


More Helpful Tips: From One of Our Favorite ENL Experts

  I Have a New Multilingual Learner. What Do I Do? A Step-By-Step Guide – Seidlitz Education

-Scaffold up  -Provide a bilingual glossary -learn a few words in the student's language -Label the classroom  -Pronounce the student's name correctly -Don't use nicknames -Learn about the student -Pair with a buddy -Speak Slowly -Repeat -Write Lesson Objective on the board -Smile -Be consistent-Word walls with visuals -lots of books with pictures-Small groups -Technology, too

What to Look For in an ELL classroom https://www.valentinaesl.com/articles-for-educators/4-key-things-to-look-for-when-you-walk-into-a-room-that-supports-ells

ELL Resources  https://padlet.com/hanna_hagaman/el-resources-5y64c1mxygg5

Using Pictures  (PWIM) to Promote Language Development


Serving ELLs of All Ages: Articles and Resources  

 More from Valentina Gonzalez   

Making Project Based Learning More Accessible

By Tan Huynh August 15, 2023

ELL Resource Library           

Articles, Printables and Webinars from SupportEd LLC   

A Walk in the Chalk    

Elementary Lessons

Be Glad Resources                                                                    

 Diversity Literature Collection (padlet.com)

This is a collection of picture books you can look for in your public library or school libraries. There are many great topics to choose from!

Linguistics: Speech & Language Development Throughout the World


Created for elementary and secondary teachers, principals, and other school staff who work directly with immigrant students and their families.

 FAMILY TOOLKIT   Helpful information for parents of ells enrolling in school.

ELL TOOLKIT IN 5 LANGUAGES  This 10 chapter toolkit is designed to help school leaders meet their obligations to their ELLs and families.

CONTENT TEACHER TOOLKIT  Lots of great information for content teachers of ELLs from Mid-State RBERN.

READING $ WRITING WITH ELLS A  summary of resources from the book: Reading and Writing with ELLs: A Framework for K-5 by Valentina Gonzalez & Melinda Miller

BEST RESOURCES from Larry Ferlazzo