Welcome! Our ELLs have challenges!

They have diverse learning needs, and they need to receive modified instruction for students with different backgrounds, languages, and cultures. 

We hope these resources are helpful in allowing families and schools to overcome these challenges!


Games to Learn Chinese             https://www.gameslearnchinese.com/

Panda Tree                                     https://www.pandatree.com/games/mandarin

Online Chinese Games                https://www.archchinese.com/game_gallery.html

Digital Dialects                             https://www.digitaldialects.com/Chinese.htm

Fun-Home-Learning-Chinese.pdf (nyu.edu) 

https://padlet.com/ish_eal/stories-in-our-home-languages-kffbsf21p8go Stories in Our Home Languages

ELL Fall Parent Orientation

Resources for Families and Students | NYU Steinhardt 

A Guide to Community-Based Organizations for Immigrants | New York State Education Department (nysed.gov) 

English/Mandarin Chinese Resources 中英双语教学资源 | China (twinkl.com) 

Bilingual Glossaries and Cognates | NYU Steinhardt 

High Frequency Words Word Mat English/Mandarin Chinese - 200 High Frequency (twinkl.com) 

The Practical Guide to Teaching Chinese Learners of English - Simply Ieva 

Teaching English to Chinese Speakers: 9 Major Differences to Be Aware Of | FluentU English Educator Blog 


Chinese Stories in English: Folktales & Fairy Tales (storiestogrowby.org) 

7 Books That Introduce Chinese Culture and History to Kids | Brightly (readbrightly.com) 

Search - Enchanted Learning Chinese

Visual Dictionary Online 

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YttBZ4fqLRc Home is the first classroom