Important Contacts

  Carol Salva    Carol is a consultant, author and ESL teacher in Texas who specializes in Newcomers and SIFE. Here is an article outlining her work with high school ELLs:

Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria G.Dove - Drs. Honigsfeld and Dove are known as national leaders in the development of co-teaching seminars for teachers and administrators. They have done extensive research and have written books about collaboration and co-teaching which are available through Corwin Press.

Tan Huynh    Tan, a former refugee, has a website called Empowering ELLs Website. He is currently working at Vientiane International School, an International Baccalaureate World School, where he is the head of the EAL department for the secondary school.

Jennifer Gonzalez Jennifer has created a vibrant, encouraging, stimulating community of teachers, supporting each other toward excellence.

Valentinia Gonzalez  A former ELL, Valentinia writes the English Language Learners Blog. She is currently n Professional Development Specialist for English Language Learners in Texas.

Colorin Colorado - Administrators play a crucial role in creating an environment in which ELLs can succeed. This section offers school leaders — particularly those with new ELL populations — ideas and strategies to make that happen. Resources include articles, recommended reports, professional books, and expert interviews. If you're looking for ideas on how to effectively teach English language learners in all grades, you've come to the right place! Translated into Spanish, too.

Kate Kinsella- Here are many of her excellent resources for teaching Academic Vocabulary.

Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day-Larry is an ESL teacher is California. He is very prolific and writes a blog for Education Week  and the New York Times

Lynn Shafer Willner- conducts research and development regarding ELD Standards and Accessibility for the WIDA Consortium. Lynn supports WIDA’s development of ELD standards-related materials with research, materials,and guidance for educators who work with ELLs with disabilities.

Judie Haynes- Judie is a former ESL teacher from New Jersey and a consultant, author and speaker. Among many other activities, she writes a TESOL Blog and moderates an ESL Chat on Twitter every Monday night. Her website is called Everything ESL.

Ellevation Education - Ellevation offers educators a detailed look at English Learners. Using Ellevation, educators can review a student's proficiency level, accommodations and more, and monitor current, reclassified, and exited students. Imagine that: all the information in one place, available anytime/anywhere.

SupportEd - Many teachers and administrators struggle with how to effectively teach their English Learners challenging content while these students are learning academic English. Diane Staehr-Fenner's blog at and her SupportEd team provide guidance to teachers so that their ELLs/MLLs will achieve academic success. Her company, SupportEd, is certified in NYS state as a woman-owned business. She has also written several books for administrators and teachers of ELLs.

DRG Associates- This consulting company creates websites, blogs and ENL in the News newsletters for ENL professionals. They have also participated in teaching online courses designed to assist professionals in teaching ELLs/MLLs. Their websites include: ENL in the News, The Northern ENL PLC and The ESL Rural Mural.

Kenji Hakuta - Stanford University's Understanding language site. Understanding Language aims to heighten educator awareness of the critical role that language plays in the new Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards. 

Education Week, Learning the Language - Veteran education reporter Corey Mitchell investigates the educational, policy, and social issues surrounding ELs in US schools. Join him now as he delves into these timely issues. 

NYS TESOL - NYS TESOL is an association of professionals concerned with the education of English language learners at all levels of public and private education in New York State. Their interests include classroom practices, research, program and curriculum development, employment, funding, and legislation.

Northern ENL PLC & ESL Rural Mural ( These sites were created by members of the CNY Northern ESL PLC.

TESOL International- TESOL International Association’s mission is to advance professional expertise in English language teaching and learning for speakers of other languages worldwide. TESOL Blog | TESOL International Association advances the quality of English language teaching worldwide