For School Counselors of ELLs

Graduation of ELLs:

-Educational Systems and Grading Equivalencies in Foreign Countries

- Evaluating Foreign Transcripts

-Evaluating Foreign Transcripts and School Year Equivalencies - Google Drive 

Multiple Pathways to Graduation-NYSUT Fact Sheet 

There are currently 6 pathways to graduation in NYS: STEM, Humanities, Career and Technical Ed., Arts, and 

the CDOS (Career Development & Occupational Studies) Pathway. Biliteracy (LOTE) is also available.

Multiple Pathways-NYSED

NYS Diploma Requirements

Roadmap to College for ELLs in NYS

Individualized Graduation Plan Template

ELL Graduation Rate Improvement and Dropout Prevention Plan

Strategies for School Counselors of ELLs

7 Myths About Learning a Second Language

Video-Myths About Bilingual Children

Special Education:

Before you consider referring an ELL student to special education:

-Compare the student's progress with his True Peers.

-Ensure all possible interventions have been used already

-Outline the student's history and experiences with formal schooling,

How many years has student been learning English? 

-Rule out all other possibilities

-Is the learning environment appropriate and effective?

-Is the student's culture understood and honored?

-How well does the student speak his first language vs, English?

Retention of ELLs

College Planning:

ELL Retention Myths and What to Do Instead

Retention can lead to dropping out and other undesirable consequences.

The Retention/Promotion Checklist 

Retention of ELLs-Legal Considerations 

Grade Retention and ELLs 

Placing ELLs in a Program of Instruction

Scheduling ELLs