Is your student having problems because they have an impairment or because they are learning a second language? 

How to Provide Scaffolding Support

Identifying Special Education Needs

RtI for ELLs

5 Myths about ELLs and Special Education

Questions and Considerations (what information do we need?)

Language Difference or Disability?

Distinguishing Difference from Disability (you tube)

Distinguishing Language Acquisition from Learning Disabilities (you tube)

Common ELL Behaviors That Look Like Learning Problems :

• Inattentiveness • Distractibility • Disengagement • Disorganization • Forgetfulness • Poor retention • Incomprehensibility • Slow work pace • Low motivation • Refusal to participate • Misbehavior or avoidance • Lack of vocabulary • Lack of alphabet letter/sound knowledge • Poor phonemic awareness (particularly for phonemes not present in the first language) • Always seems behind due to translating directions and tasks • Poor relationships with peers due to lack of language • Refusal to ask questions or for help • Frustration and/or giving up • Trouble with unfamiliar speech patterns not present in first language                   

Nilsen and Nilsen explain concepts and patterns of English spelling, pronunciation, and meaning to help the process of learning English for ELL students and their teachers. 

This essential book offers helpful guidelines for deciding if the English Language Learners (ELL) in your general education classroom are dealing with typical language differences, learning disabilities, or both.  

Blossoming Bilinguals Conference 2020 (You Tube) 

In this helpful webinar, speakers explain tools that can be used to sort out the behaviors of ELLs as those who are acquiring a language vs. students who have a language disability.  USDE and NYSED regulations are explained and assessments for evaluating ELLs are provided.  

NYSED Guidance Document   Screening for English Language Learner/Multilingual Learner (ELL/MLL) Status for Students Who Enter or Re-Enter School with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) 

Chapter 6 Tools and Resources for Addressing English Learners With Disabilities (

This is the sixth chapter of the English Learner Tool Kit, which is created to help state and local educators assist in the education of their English Learners (ELLs). 

LD Identification Toolkit Considerations for ELL (

The RTI Action Network has created this Toolkit for determining language difference or disability of ELLs.

English Learner Tool Kit (OELA) ( 

English Learner Tool Kit Updated with ESSA references. OELA’s 10 chapter ELL Tool Kit was published in 2015. Some chapters of the tool kit have been updated related to the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA). 

Language Difference or Language Disorder? ELs and Special Education | MAEC, Inc. 

This paper provides an overview of the over and under- identification of English Learners (ELs) with disabilities and the contributing factors. Recommendations for appropriate identification are also discussed. 

Power Point-Language Difference or Disability

Consider language development and acquisition stages to assist in differentiating between a difference and a disability. • Identify the resources to assist with decision making and student supports. 

Janice Butterfield-Need of ELLs with Disabilities

Many great resources are included here including a power point and a variety of checklists and other  helpful resources from Santa Barbara County, California.