ENL Program Tips for Rural Schools

ESL Rural Mural (google.com) 

In this age of global migration, a group of ENL educators in Northern New York  (the Northern ENL PLC) decided to help by providing  New York State school leaders and teacher leaders of ELLs in rural and suburban districts with a "mural"of  ideas.  What is a "picture" of  effective ENL programming including current resources and training?  We  embrace the idea of providing infographics and padlets like the resources below to teach effective concepts. 


 Teaching English language learners is a novel challenge to school districts in some unlikely places. Committed, knowledgeable school leaders in rural and suburban districts across the country are moving to keep pace with their rapidly growing ELL populations.

We have provided helpful information here to get you started in your quest for a successful rural ENL program for your ELL students. Included here are some articles relating to second language development.  There are also articles/videos written specifically for school leaders of ELLs. Please consider your ENL teachers as language development experts who can provide guidance to your staff regarding ELLs in the general classroom.


Moving to a Hybrid Learning Model- Eric Sheninger article

An Administrator's Guide to Co-Teaching - Two teachers, one classroom. See how two teachers together can enhance student learning in the 2015-16 December/January EL.

The Role of the Principal in ENL Programs - This article provides an overview of principal leadership practices in one secondary school that has evidenced high growth rates of English development in ELs.

Stages of Second Language Acquisition - Second-language acquisition assumes knowledge in a first language and encompasses the process an individual goes through as he or she learns the elements of a new language, such as vocabulary, phonological components, grammatical structures, and writing systems.

BICS and CALP - Experts such as Jim Cummins and Judie Haynes differentiate between social and academic language acquisition. Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BICS) are language skills needed in social situations.

ELLs and Academic Language - Helping English-language learners develop proficiency in academic language has always been a priority for K-12 educators, and its importance has only been heightened with the advent of the Common Core.

Keeping Pace with ELLs in Suburbia and Rural America - Most mainstream teachers and administrators have not been trained in teaching English to speakers of other languages. Many do not realize it takes five to seven years on average for English language learners to acquire the academic English they need to achieve at school. Districts with small but increasing ELL populations, underprepared educators and limited funding face real challenges.

Culturally Responsive Instruction - This article examines the challenges faced by school leaders in cultural responsiveness by providing ‘best practices’ for their English language learners. 

Administrators in Action: Four Steps to Strengthen Your ESL Program - Great ideas for education leaders of ELLs from Ayanna Cooper!