Computer Management

1. Start all Computers

a. Click on Global Start Tab

b. Click on "Start Computers" button to start all device computers for the chosen experiment

2. Stop all Computers

a. Click on Global Start Tab

b. Click on "Stop Computers" button to stop all device computers for the chosen experiment

3. Restart all Computers

a. Click on Global Start Tab

b. Click on "Restart Computers" button to restart all device computers for the chosen experiment

4. Start Computer for Individual Device

a. Launch MC and select Experiment

b. Click on "Device" tab

c. On the Device tab click on the "Device Selector" drop down control.

d. Choose the Device that you want to control.

e. Hover your mouse on the "Computer ICON" under the Device Selector control.

f. Click on the Computer ON/OFF ICON. If Icon is "Red", clicking on it will turn device Computer ON.

5. Stop Computer for Individual Device

a. Launch MC and select Experiment

b. Click on "Device" tab

c. On the Device tab click on the "Device Selector" drop down control.

d. Choose the Device that you want to control.

e. Hover your mouse on the "Computer ICON" under the Device Selector control.

f. Click on the Computer ON/OFF ICON. If Icon is "Green", clicking on it will turn device Computer OFF.

6. Restart Computer for Individual Device

a. Launch MC and select Experiment

b. Click on "Device" tab

c. On the Device tab click on the "Device Selector" drop down control.

d. Choose the Device that you want to control.

e. Hover your mouse on the "Computer ICON" under the Device Selector control.

f. Click on the Computer Restart ICON. Clicking on it will restart device Computer.

7. Start Remote Desktop Session to Device Computer

a. Launch MC and select Experiment

b. Click on "Device" tab

c. On the Device tab click on the "Device Selector" drop down control.

d. Choose the Device that you want to control.

e. Hover your mouse on the "Computer ICON" under the Device Selector control.

f. Click on the Computer RDP ICON. Clicking on it will launch a Remote Desktop Session to the Device Computer.