

Install and run HamamatsuSpectrometerDAQ device on new computer.

Important Notes:

1. This device uses a NI daq pad. Users need to create a DI task and enter the task name as a variable in the db for this devicetype. triggerbeforepulse variable is the time between the trigger pulse input to the daq task and the arrival of the actual laser pulse. The hamamatsu always runs in asynchronous mode with internal software triggers. It will acquire a minimum of 3 acquisitions if the exposure time is equal to or greater than the triggerbeforepulse time.

example: triggerbeforepulse = 10 ms, exposure = 5 ms , No of acquisitions = (triggerbeforepulse/exposure)+3 = 5 acquisitions. Try to keep the exposure nearly equal but slightly smaller than triggerbeforepulse. It will ensure the capture of the spectral signal.


Steps to run device:

Follow steps 1 and 2 if the device type is not already in your database

1. Follow steps of Add/Edit new device type

2. Enter Name “HamamatsuSpectrometerDAQ” and Relative Path “HamamatsuSpectrometerDAQ\HamamatsuSpectrometerDAQ.lvclass” and click on create/Modify Devicetype.

3.Then Add New HamamastuDAQ Device by following steps of Create New Device and Launch New Device

GUI exe path "\General GUIs\Device GUIs\GUI_HamamatsuSpectrometer\GUI_HamamatsuSpectrometer.exe"

7. User can also set Devicetype variable values from HamamastuDAQ_GUI.