ThorlabsWFS device user manual


This driver was written for the Thorlabs WFS20. This is the "high speed" version of their wavefront sensors. They also have similar "slow" WFS which use the same software. This driver may work for those types as well, but have not been tested. 

Although this driver was written for the high speed version (up to kHz sampling), none of the require features for high speed mode have been implemented. 

Link to manual:

Link to software download:

Note on trigger delay:

See table below. There is apparently an internal delay in the device which depends on the selected resolution. At this point, it is unclear whether this trigger delay is "absolute" or "in addition to" the user defined trigger delay. Nonetheless, it all results in some very counter intuitive behavior from the device. 

In any case, it is true that the Thorlabs WFS needs a trigger much earlier than typical camera devices. The suggestion is to provide a trigger at least 6 ms early. 
