Experiment Editor

The Experiment Editor is used for two purposes:

1. Subscribe Experiment Device Variables during a SCAN

2. To create an experiment variable that changes its value before and at the end of the SCAN

The Editor also has a VIEW ONLY tab that displays all the devices for the experiment that have at least one variable subscribed by the Master Control.

User instruction video:

Important Notes:

Save Images or 1d array:

To save images and 1d array Data, User needs to SET 'SAVE' VARIABLE TO ''YES" and setting the values to "ON" FOR SCAN START AND "OFF" AT SCAN START. The reason behind setting save value "off"at the end of the scan is user don't want unwanted images to be saved to local hard drive.

Get variables:

The GET VARIABLES in database editor are scalars and those variables will be saved in scan spreadsheet file.

User must set "get" to "yes" for at least one variable of a device if he/she want Master control to wait till that device completes it's acquisition before moving on to the next shot otherwise user will lose data.