

Install and run Photometrics_CH-250_Cam device on new computer.

Important Notes:

v3457 Developer Notes:

1. Requirements

a. Windows XP/7 32bit

b. Photometrics PVcam 2.785 driver

c. Photometrics PVcam SDK (32bit)

d. v3457 of the folder Device Driver\shared\Cameras

2. Known Issues:

a. Hardware binning is set constant = 1, because of the following bug in the PVcam32.dll:when PVcam32.dll is called in order to acquire an image with a binning factor bigger than 1, the PVcam32.dll return an incorrect number of data

2. References:

a. PvCAM SDK user guide


Steps to run device:

Follow steps 1 and 2 if the device type is not already in your database

1. Follow steps of Add/Edit new device type

2. Enter Name “Photometrics_CH-250_Cam” and Relative Path “Photometrics_CH-250_Cam\Photometrics_CH-250_Cam.lvclass” and click on create/Modify Devicetype.

3.Then Add New PL1-PresCtrl-Low1 Device by following steps of Create New Device and Launch New Device

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