*Unbroken (Movie)


My name is Marco and, I am 12 years old. I am an intelligent child, attending a good middle school and being in Honors Math. As a moviegoer, it is mainly my preference to watch an action movie involving car chases and shooting, but I also enjoy watching the movies that leave a lump in your throat, making you want to cry.

The movie I am reviewing is an absolutely perfect mix of these two genres. It is called, “Unbroken”. To give a brief description of the movie, it is PG-13. It follows the lifeline of a boy named Louie. He had moved to a small American town from Italy. As a child around my own age, he was, what we would now a days refer to as, bullied. The other boys in his neighborhood pushed him around, fought him and called him a grease ball. He also gets into a great deal of trouble, sneaking around and even getting caught by a police officer drinking bottles of liquor. He is a fast runner and despite the constant buffering from all the other boys, he decides he wants to run track for his middle school. He wins almost all his races and by the time he is in high school, with the help of his trusty and dependable brother who keeps pushing him to be better, he becomes the fastest high school runner in the entire world. For him, it was still not enough. He moved on to be an Olympic athlete, scoring a gold medal for the United States. Later in the movie, after the Olympics, he is drafted into World War II ,and flying over the Atlantic ocean one day, his plane goes down over five hundred miles from shore. He survives the crash with only three other men and boards a small yellow life boat. Eventually there are only two men left. They endure all of the worst things possible, from sharks to enemy planes, starvation to extreme thirst. They float around the ocean until they are saved, unfortunately by the enemy. They are taken prisoners of war, beaten and mistreated in Japanese prison camps until the war ends.

If myself, and most likely anyone else who has watched this movie, were to give it a star rating from one to five, it would most likely get a five, even over if possible as of today, February 5, 2015. I would pay one hundred times the amount of the twelve dollar admission fee to watch it again. The movie has so many pros, like the mix between my two favorite movie types, and the fact that it was directed by my absolutely favorite actress, Angelina Jolie. Many people say it is like the “The Life of Pi”, another brilliant movie I have seen. I can agree on that, considering that Pi and Louie both get lost at sea after an accident but, I believe that “Unbroken” was better. It had more action than “The Life of Pi” and I felt it had a bigger story line. During this movie I found myself wiping tears off my cheeks with the napkins that come with the popcorn. Louie’s resilience, bravery and ability to forgive his enemies made me start to sob like a child who dropped an ice cream cone on the ground. The only con comes from the mouths of those who have read the book. They claim that the movie does not show the entire story. I having not read the book, I can not agree or disagree. I strongly recommend seeing this truly magnificent movie.