*iphone 5c


Hi my name is Ranya. I am 12 years old and i owned the iphone 5c for about a year. The reason you should listen to me is because I used the phone a lot and My parents own different phones than me. My mom owns a iphone 5s and my dad owns the 4. How those this help? Because now I can compare and contrast the phones

If I had to give the iphone 5c a nine of ten.This is because the iphone 5c is

an expectional phone. It has spacious screen and good battery life.

The iphone 5c has a few minor cons. One is that the phone can crack easily without a case. Two it’s really expensive. When I got it if cost about 600 dollars, now the phone has gone down a little because of the iphone 6 and the plus coming out.

There are also many pros of this phone. One thing I really like about the phone is it’s size. It’s not really that big as the iphone 6 plus but, it can fit in your pockect and it’s really light. What I also like about the phone you can use it for work uses and you can also use it for just playing games.

The iphone 5 has bigger strogae but, only comes in the color black, white, and gold. The iphone 5c has a wide selection of colors. It has the colors pink, blue, green, yellow, white, and even red! These colors really make the phone stand out.

The expections I had of the phone is good shape, size, and doesn’t crack easily. The iphone 5c brought me all that expect it can crack easily.

Overall the iphone 5c is a good phone. This phone cost i as good as the value One of the best out of all the iphones and i reccomend it if you want a phone. Furthermore the iphone 5c is a expectional phone, with good battery, size, and shape. Although the phone had some flaws and should not crack easily and have faster internet. THis is the reason why I have to give this phone about a nine out of ten.