*Easton MAKO baseball bat

“Far Hits and a Fast Swing”

Some people aren’t that much of a baseball player. Some may get far hits, and some may not. The people that hit those home runs use a heavy bat. Others use light bats to get a much faster swing. Not all children are great at sports. The ones who practice gain experience, while ones that don’t practice aren’t as good at those that do. If you want to become a baseball player that can always hit the ball into the outfield, I have a solution for you. The 2015 Easton MAKO bat is incredible!

I’m a twelve-year old boy, turning thirteen in a couple months. My favorite sport is baseball, and I play on travel teams. On my free time, I have a catch with my dad to get some practice in. In my last baseball season, I had a baseball bat that wasn’t that strong. I always hit pop flies, and always got out. No matter how much contact I would make with the ball, it would just pop up. This stopped once I started using a certain kind of bat. The 2015 Easton MAKO bat is nothing but fabulous.

If you want far hits, you would need a bulky bat. The bats with that fast swing are really light. This bat consumes both of those features. You’ll start hitting a lot more line drives with this. After I started using it, my batting average increased by triple. Coming from 7th in the batting order to 2nd. My whole entire team started using it also! Every single time, we would make contact with the ball. Once the players that were down in the batting order started using this bat, their batting average also increased. My coach was amazed on how everyone started making contact.

I highly recommend this bat for you. It lasts for such a long time. There are hardly any dents in mine! Use can buy this for $279.99. Although this bat costs a lot of money, it is totally worth it. This bat would be perfect for ages 10 to 14. I use it for every single baseball game now, and it’s still in great shape.

The bat is much better than metal bats too. The sound of when you hit the ball with the 2015 MAKO doesn’t sound like somebody threw a garbage can at somebody’s window, like metals bats would.

I would rate this 10 baseballs out of 10 because of all the great features that it holds. If you want to become a radical baseball player, definitely buy this bat. It could be a lifesaver for one of your championship game.