Week of Sept. 8-11

September 11, 2015:

Math: Multi-step problems can be difficult. However, we saw today that it was not the math itself that was difficult; it was the reading. Drawing a strip diagram will greatly help in solving the problems.

Science: We had some great discussion today regarding whether or not there is always a dark side of the moon. Since the moon rotates on its axis and orbits the earth at about the same rate (29.5 days), we only see one side of the moon.


September 10, 2015:

Math: We worked on addition and subtraction word problems, including some with variables. Make sure to draw the strip diagram to help solve the problems. "When in doubt, draw it out."

Science: The Sun "rises" in the east and "sets" in the west. This was critical knowledge for the quiz today. Please remember to study every day, and remember that you will read on your own when taking assessments. We showed models yesterday of both a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse: Solar Moon Second, Lunar Moon Last


September 9, 2015:

Math: We continued working on addition and subtraction word problems. We saw the phrase "how many more" which means we will subtract by comparing. Make sure you notice these key phrases ("how many more", "how many fewer").

Science: When we are outside on sunny days, we will notice that our shadows will be the longest at sunrise and sunset and the shortest around noon. As the sun rises, the shadow lengths become shorter, and as the sun starts to set, the shadows become longer, due to the angle of the sun as its light hits the object.


September 8, 2015:

Math: We are reviewing addition and subtraction through the actions of: PUT TOGETHER, TAKE AWAY, COMPARE, and FIND A MISSING PART. Be sure to read the questions carefully and show the strip diagram for each.

Science: Shadows are formed when an object blocks a light source. Some key points to remember:

1. Shadows will form going away from the light source, not towards.

2. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west (at least it appears to do so, since the earth is rotating).

3. The lower the sun is in the sky, the longer the shadow; the higher the sun is in the sky, the shorter the shadow.

4. Shadows will usually be the smallest/shortest when the sun is directly over head (noon).