Week of Feb. 8-12

Friday, February 12:

Math: We began working on metric and customary conversions today. Please make sure to bring your STAAR chart every day to assist you in solving these types of questions.

Science: The amount of effort that you have put into these experiment proposals has been excellent! I enjoyed hearing you provide feedback for each other, and we have learned how to critique each other in a professional way. I cannot wait to test out our partner country's experiment!


Thursday, February 11:

Math: You all worked so well yesterday in the random groups with the measurement, area, and perimeter practice. I am excited to see how you will do on the Checkpoint on February 22!

Science: I am so impressed with how well y'all worked together on your experiment proposals. Mrs. Goldberg and Mrs. Kainer were also impressed with the conversations you had and the higher level thinking that you exhibited. We are so excited to find out the identity of our partner country and to work on the experiment that they will send us!


Wednesday, February 10:

Math: When you are given the area or perimeter of an object, make sure to write out the formula and fill in what you know.

If you have the area, you will simply divide the area by the length or width to find the missing measurement.

If you have the perimeter, you have to multiply the length or width by 2 (since there are 2 widths and 2 lengths for every rectangle), subtract that total from the total perimeter, and then divide by 2.

Science: We are so excited about our experiment collaboration with another class from a different country. Today, we wrote up an experiment proposal as a class as an example of what you will create tomorrow in groups. Start thinking about an experiment you would like to design concerning forces, magnetism, or friction. I have also added the website we looked at yesterday regarding the skateboard with no wheels sliding down different surfaces to show the effects of friction.

Friction Ramp


Tuesday, February 9:

Math: Don't forget to always write down the area and perimeter formulas:

Area = l x w

Perimeter = 2l + 2w

Science: The Gizmos went really well! Go to Explore Learning and put in your username: CFISD2_S(id#). The password is BIRKES139.


Monday, February 8, 2016

Math: The area/perimeter circuit today was a lot of fun! It was great watching you work with each other. Don't forget to bring your STAAR Chart every day.

Science: We worked on a Gizmo today that helped us see the effects of air on falling objects. If objects were to fall in a vacuum, they would fall at the same rate (even a bowling ball and a feather). In 1971, Apollo 15 Commander Dave Scott dropped a hammer and a feather on the moon. Check out that video and the Schoolhouse Rock video on gravity!