Week of Nov. 30 - Dec. 4

December 3:

Math: We began comparing fractions today. If the numerators are the same, the fraction will be smaller as the denominator gets larger. If the denominators are the same, the fraction will get larger as the numerator gets larger.


December 2:

Math: We finished the equivalent fraction practice. Remember that if you have a chart with fractions, concentrate on the fraction that the question is talking about.

Science: We looked at the physical property of mass. You all measured the mass of the same objects, and your results were all exactly the same or very close! This helps us to see that your results were reliable. Remember that when we are finding the missing mass of an object on a pan balance. We have to subtract the masses on the side with the object from the masses on the side without the object. Don't forget to label your masses approrpiately.


December 1:

Math: We continued to practice simplifying fractions. Make sure your draw the correct number of circles and shade in the correct number as well.

Science: We looked at how to measure objects to the nearest cm and mm. The special ruler your received today had its good qualities, but mostly it was an ineffective ruler (too small, no numbers, made of paper, etc.). Click on the website below to access a game to help you practice measuring:

Measurement Practice


November 30:

Math: We learned how to simplify fractions to their lowest terms. Remember to draw the number that is the denominator to show how many total pieces and then color in the number in the numerator. We want to put the counters in the largest groups possible, so we start with groups with the same number as the numerator. If that will not work, go one number smaller until there are equal groups of shaded and unshaded counters. If you get to groups of one, the fraction is already in lowest terms.

Science: We began the next unit of study: Matter. We found that there are several physical properties of matter: Color, Shape, Texture, Flexibility to name a few. Having each table classify the same set of objects into a category of their choosing was a great way for us to see that objects can be classified in many different ways.