Shintai Haiku, page 2

WHR December 2019

Shintai Haiku

Page 2

First Place

dinner time

the plate's willow pattern


Michael Gallagher

Second Place

Third Place

daytime moon

a snowman with

not long to go

David Jacobs

chimney sparks

a harvest moon floats on

eternity to eternity

Carol Raisfeld

Seven Honourable Mentions

(In no particular order)


wraps itself

into my steps

Joanna Ashwell

handmade quilt

our first wedding gift

still warms us

Claire Vogel Camargo

what remains

of the abandoned nests ...

mist and clouds

che cosa resta

dei nidi abbandonati …

nuvole e nebbia

Lucia Cardillo


the river of my thoughts

lost in the sea

Kumarendra Mallick


the richness of the journey

with no end in mind

Carol Raisfeld

autumn loneliness

the sound of grape seeds

falling on the saucer

Zinovy Vayman

cold hands...

the honesty of music

in a world of lies

Ed Bremson
