Works of Susumu Takiguchi

January 2014

The Works of Susumu Takiguchi

A Collection of Writings and Haiku Poems

by Susumu Takiguchi

Brief Introduction: This collection is compiled for the benefit of those who wish to read the academic articles and general essays on haiku, and haiku poems written by Susumu Takiguchi. It is especially designed for beginners in haiku and those who have not had the chance to read his writings and poems. Most works are going to be steadily extracted from the past issues of World Haiku Review though some may be obtained from other outlets or written anew.


rained down,

drooping roses

turn to the sun

autumn all around...

still waiting for the clowns,

I twiddle my thumb

no one

blessing me when

I sneeze

in perpetuity...

migrating betwixt two nations,

a lone goose

snowed in...

where have my friends


winter rain...

wetting the sound

of the bugle


evening primrose...

opening silent in twilight

dies before sunrise

more apples

on the ground than

on the tree

no one

came to see me today but

winter leaves

dried persimmons

in the making, hung and

getting sweeter

winter fog...

I know there are beyond


heavy snow gone...

the sun moves on my

painting hand