The Voices of Flowers

WHR December 2011

The Voices of Flowers


Moussia Fantoli

Moussia Fantoli is one of those rare haiku poets who have distinct styles and ideas. Rare, indeed, is the time when her haiku poems look imitative or following the predominant trend in the contemporary world haiku. In this sense alone her haiku should be read, studied and appreciated by as many haijin in the world as possible. She is an apt model to prove that one does not have to follow the dominant trend to write good haiku. On the contrary, one must almost buck the trend in order to produce anything original or coming from the local soil.

She is obviously an Italian with the background of glorious and rich cultural and literary heritage. This has been augmented by her being a classicist. It is safe to assume that each of her haiku has stories of a long Italian tradition behind it. Our world haiku is in a state of flux. That is not necessarily a bad thing because it could well be creative chaos, at least in places. The more haiku poets like Moussia we have, the better for the world haiku community.

Here are ten examples of her haiku in Italian and English.

Voci dei fiori – Flowers’ voices


tutta la notte

ho sentito parlare

il gelsomino

all night

I have heard

the jasmine talking


mi desta all’alba

la fanfara dorata

dei tromboncini

at dawn

the daffodils’ golden trumpets

wake me up


sotto la pioggia

si scambiano segreti

i ciclamini

in the rain

exchanging secrets

the cyclamens


un nuovo mese -

rimane solo un foglio

sul calendario

a new month -

only one sheet remains

in the calendar


luna nel pozzo

mi sporgo a contemplarci

una nell’altra

moon in the well

I lean to gaze at us

one in the other


giorno di nebbia

m’imbavaglia la bocca

e le parola

foggy day

it gags my mouth

and words


castagne arrosto

se bruciano la bocca

scaldano il cuore

roasted chestnuts

if they burn the mouth

they warm the heart


dentro lo specchio

tra le foglie d’autunno

anche il mio viso

in the mirror

among the Autumn leaves

my face too


cielo di nubi

la stanchezza degli occhi

offusca il volto

cloudy sky

the eyes’ tiredness

darkens my face


dentro lo specchio

da un anno all’altro emerge

un nuovo inverno

in the mirror

from one year to another

a new winter