AUP_5 Electronic Policies

Arp Schools Electronic Device Policies

Electronic Devices include, but are not limited to: Pagers, Cellular Phones, CD players, PDAs, Handhelds, Palm Pilots, laptops, and similar devices: Please turn these off during class and keep them hidden from sight. If your electronic device disrupts the class or is seen by the teacher, it will be confiscated. These devices areexpressly forbidden during an exam except when otherwise directed by the instructor. If you are caught using one to cheat, you will receive a zero for the assignment or exam, and may be subject to further disciplinary action.

Electronic Devices and Academic Dishonesty Policy

Don't do it.

Don't even give the instructor a chance to think that you are doing it. Use common sense. Things to avoid include:

  • Shifty eyes, especially in the direction of another student's paper.

  • Open backpacks.

  • Unnecessary or forbidden materials on the desk during an exam or quiz.

  • If you answer your cell phone during an exam, we are forced to assume you are cheating, and your exam score will suffer accordingly. If you are expecting an emergency, leave the phone or pager with the instructor. Otherwise, don't bring it to the exam.

  • Using cell phones or other electronic devices to text message is strictly forbidden during classroom time.

  • Electronic devices that snap digital pictures (including cell phones) must not be used in inappropriate areas of the school (examples: athletic showers, dressing rooms, bath rooms, and/or OAP dressing rooms)

  • Electronic devices lost or stolen while at school are not the responsibility of Arp Schools.

If caught in an act of inappropriate use of an electronic device, the student will be punished according to the student code of conduct level 2 for the first offense, level 3 for following offenses. Academic dishonesty relating to homework, a quiz, or an exam, you will be awarded a zero for that assignment. The academic dishonesty policy will correlate and comply with federal and state copyright laws.

Winter 2004

Cellular Telephone and Electronic Signaling Device Policy

• Student possession and use of cellular phones, pagers and other electronic signaling devices on school campuses and school buses, at school sponsored activities, and while under the supervision and control of school district employees is permitted under circumstances described herein.

• All students (K-12) may use these devices on campus after school ends.

• These devices must be kept out of sight and turned off during the instructional program and in the classroom. Unauthorized use of these devices disrupts the instructional program and distracts from the learning environment. School officials, including classroom teachers, may take the device away from students if used during the times not permitted. Repeated unauthorized use of such devices may lead to disciplinary action.

Students and parents are reminded that during an emergency situation, cellular sites may be overwhelmed due to a high volume of calls. Should this occur, emergency communication could also be affected. It is important that cell phones and other devices be used sparingly so that emergency services have priority to assist the students and staff on the site.


  • Students may possess cell phones, pagers, and other electronic signaling devices on school campuses and school buses, at school-sponsored activities, and while under the supervision of district employees.

  • All students (K-12) may use these devices on campus after school.

  • These devices must be kept out of sight and turned off during the instructional program and in the classroom except when otherwise directed by the instructor.

  • School officials, including classroom teachers, may take the device away from students if used during the times not permitted. Repeated unauthorized use of these devices may lead to disciplinary action.

Devices Prohibited

1. Devices classified as “Prohibited” are listed for the following reasons:

a. Potential hazard

b. Excess energy consumption

c. Heat production that interferes with the operation of the building’s controlled air conditioning or heating systems, infrastructure, or digital network.

d. Laser or intense flashlights

2. If a Prohibited Device is found in an Arp ISD facility, a diligent attempt will be made to discover the identity of the owner. The owner of the device will be given an explanation of the potential hazard and asked to remove the device from the facility. This warning will be documented with copies to the Principal of the School and the Superintendent of Schools

3. If the Prohibited Device is not removed by the owner within 24 hours of written documentation or is subsequently found in operation following documentation, it will be removed and stored until the owner retrieves it for personal use outside of the school facilities or until the end of the school year, whichever comes first.

4. Arp Schools shall not be the insurer of stored personal property.

B. Devices Conditionally Approved

1. Devices listed as Conditionally Approved must meet the following conditions:

a. Display the manufacturer’s label;

b. Display a label stating that the device has been certified by a recognized national testing laboratory (e.g. Underwriters Laboratory (UL));

c. Have an original, properly grounded power cord;

d. Be inspected by Arp Facilities personnel and tagged as Conditionally Approved.

C. Arp Schools reserves the right to deny the use of any personal item that draws electricity or produces a signal because of:

a. Possible interference with curriculum-based energy consuming devices

b. Possible interference with the operations of the facilities.

c. Possible interference with wireless network technologies.