
(1) Sign-up for the use of the lab ahead of time. Signup online for the Studio Lab.

(2) As the facilitator, you should become familiar with what programs are available and what hardware is available in each lab and plan your activities accordingly.

(3) Students MUST be accompanied by their teachers. Students are NOT to be sent to these labs without an accompanying teacher. Labs are available for teachers to integrate research skills and productivity tools into their curriculum. This is part of Arp's AUP.

(4) Students should take pride in the facilities and leave the labs clean and neat. Teacher's may assign SCANS grades for activities and conduct in the labs

(5) Students are NOT to download executable files, music, videos, or zip files (including cursors, screen savers, etc.) while they are in these labs, unless they receive permission from a technology coordinator.

(6) Teachers: You need to be aware of whether or not your students have their own network accounts. If they do not, then it is YOUR responsibility to use a part of your research time to teach them about the AUP and have them apply for accounts. You are responsible for sponsoring and teaching your own students about the Arp AUP and offering them an AUP quiz.

(7) Teachers are encouraged to utilize the labs as often as needed. As you know, research is a vital part of everyone's curriculum. We encourage you to teach your students proper research skills and habits before they come to the labs or during their time in the lab.

(8) Please don't assume that they KNOW how to make efficient keyword searches or how to abide by copyright laws. It is YOUR responsibility to teach and monitor these concepts.

REMEMBER: Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts teachers, especially, should be gearing up for research projects the 5th six weeks (not the last 6 weeks!).

This is an essential learning experience for college-bound and professional career-oriented students. (Some collaborative efforts between teachers would be nice.)